Tuesday, January 26

Happy Birthday Lolockzz

my friend up there, on the left wearing a white tee, well he turned 17 yesterday. he was reminding all of us, "jangan lupa isnin tau, jangan lupa isnin tau", we were all like ye okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, we get it dude. so yeah, i've been in the same class with him since form 3, back then, fuck i hated him like hell, he was always in a bad mood, suka kacau hidup orang, carik pasal tiba tiba, well i'm not saying he changed or anything, hahahahha BUT yeah we've become friends. last year, i knew the real him, bak kata danny, although he seems so tough and gangster-ish outside, but inside actually dia jiwa lembut. ew, haha -.- i have so many to tell about him, tapi sumpah takut dia baca ni, nnt dia marah gila, i think his gonna beat the hell out of me, so youre secret is safe with us, lok. hihi. his the one in the class, who nevers shut up. his voice, WUSH, takyah cakap ah, bangunan sebelah pun boleh dengar sebenarnya. pastu bila cakap dgn dia, mcm kita ni jauh je, padahal sebelah sebelah je tau. and sorry tk dpt dtg the other day masa kau pegi celebrate semua tu, hehe busy. anyways, kau poyo and keep up the poyo-ing kay? is tht even a word? aaahh tk kesah ah, haha

till then love love