Thursday, January 14

i sorta kinda boleh dikatakan thinks math is kinda fun

just got off the phone with mak. i told her i wanted to buy addmath textbook, so she precisely came home early from work just to take me to carrefour to buy tht book. so sweeet hihi. but tk jadi, bcse i'm dropping my addmath kn, so aint worth it paying 20 bucks fr a book i aint gonna use -.- aleen called earlier, long time no talk to her, so rindu hihi. we talked about school, sports and so on. she said she likes addmath. GILA KAN, haha. baru bab satu weh ;p anis just texted! but cn't reply :( i cant recall the last time i've got kredit, i think 1st Jan. har har.

so currently wearing my little miss naughty tee and a pair of black skinny jeans bcse thinking of going out jst now, but chnged plans. Today, our math teacher gave us all a a Milo Bar Chocolate bcse we all send our math exercise :D bangga jugak lh, ceh hahhah. talked to danny about some stuff. the fun thing about having a gay bestfriend, bcse i cn exactly tell him pretty much everything ;) hahaha, chillex dulu babe. so bfre heading to the bus today(yes balik naik bas hihi), i heard someone yelling my name,i saw this girl wearing a white ribbon on her head waving towards me. tengok tengok Qis dlm kereta, jauh plk tu. haha, he was with azmeer i guess, aww. i hd nasi ayam jst now, so full. so gonna head for those homework now!

till then love love