Okay 3 days instantly non stop walking is hell. i think ths saturday was by far the
most tiring day. i slept at 4.30 am and started activities from 7.30 in the morning until 12.30 am. yeaah. the day started by handeling girl guide's
scavenger hunt. syira and i was nervous things wont go the way as planned but the minute my friends and other girls told me they had a blast
got me relieve all the way ;) me and the AJK'S painted all of the girls with various of colours. to me,the tasks was pretty hard but being a bit
brutal aint no harm ay? finished around 12.00 pm, got back to take a shower and came back at 12.30 pm for kawad practise.
bad news i've got the bloody sunburn again! :( around 4 went to softball practise. walked back with syira, faiz, shawn and aiez. syira told me tht her cousin of hers, mira was at her house. so i told her i hv ths ability to know things tht she didnt know. i told her tht Mira was wearing
a blue tee and three quater pants or a low knee skirt. she told me she texted if i'm right. so i hope i got it riiiiight! :D
Meet our own rockstar, Nanabiilllaaa

i loveeeee ths photo

syira and i handeling the game
"Guess and Tell"
the Bloody Leeches group
paper dressing task

penat gila tau sebenarnya
teaching my fav song, tepuk piu piu! :D

got back around 6.15 pm and got ready for Iqbal's sis wedding at dewan perdana felda at jalan maktab. went to fifa's and she make up-ed me by doing the famous Lauren Conrad's makeup eye. i had blast with the peeps of mine. Luke and Arain came first, hanged with them for a bit. thnks eh luke for being
extra annoying lst night -.- raja,danny, epa, tasuim, amad, rais and the others came later. epa for the first time commented i looked pretty, he was
so hard to give compliments. so yeah thnks ay dude :] took tone of pictures, welllll tk best lah kalau tk vain kn? ;p haha jk. AND OMG, i met the pretty artist,dania danielle, and ths guy from Tari Tirana. got back around 12.30 am and slept like a baby!
The guy in the middle is Mubaraq, Iqbal's brother. dude kalau kau baca ni, aku nk ckp abang kau cool gila tau, haha.