Thursday, April 29

Boom boom yeah

hey ho peopleeeeeeeeee!

wush, ths has been a roller coaster week. starting from last week, i've been having body cramps all over. as most of you know, last monday was our softball tournament in SMK Sungai Kertas which i think is located around err.. Selayang. departed from school around 7, i was one of the earliest who came, hihi first time :p sat beside Dinney, we were all absolutely nervous for the game bcse all the teachers gave high hope for us to win. so to shake things up,Jiehaa and her gang set Justin Bieber's song in their phones. the minute the song "Baby" blast from their phone, we all sang with a really high note *especially me teehee. the boys were unsatisfied bcse god knows how much they hate tht boyfriend of mine. haha so i asked

the boys : weh tutup laaah, tk habis habis justin bibir tu
the boys : laah kau suka ke dia, padahal suara dia tk sedap pun aw
zana : padahal hot gila aw, sapa sini tk suka JB ha?

i really thought no one would raise up their hand, but the second i asked tht question, the boys and some girls raised up their hand and with a we-hate-justin-bieber-okay look. hahah,so malu -.- the time we arrived their school's field other school gave us the cynical look. i dont know wht the hell they have against Melawati all of this years. the girls game started around 9 am, so the boys team was all geared up to hustle. me and the other girls who were not playing lended our energy too. the best thing about ths tournament tht you can hustle all you want and not be scold by anyone. truth to be told, we hustle like fuck. SMK Keramat was on our side too, so they kinda cross the limit by teasing other's school physical appearance, but we laughed like hell when they said tht. we one the first game, so got us all excited!

second day

Syam : aku tengok zana ni makin lama dh mcm lelaki dh, tengok suara tu ha
Razin : kau tk kenal dia lagi, dia mmg camni
Rhmn : dh nama ketua hustle :p

was a bit tensed. all school were ready to bring down Melawati's team. 2 days being there truly tought me a phrase which is "never, and i mean never judge a book by its cover" enough said. at a moment you kinda fell for the innocent looking girls, but the minute they open their mouth, vulgar words keep coming out, you definitely change your prespective towards them. other school kept repeating my jersey's name which is "zana oh!", i find it very annoying to be exact -.- we both didnt won the second game, but we celebrate like we won. we strike some songs to the highest volume, some were singing and cheering like lunatics. padahal kalah aw, sumpah pelik. haha -_- in the bus, lagi lah. bak kata Razin "semua dh sasau la derr". got back, played softball in the rain fr the last time. good timeeees ;) camwhored with farah. then lepas tu semua nak menyibuk masuk skali kan. haha.

the best thing was i made new friends throughout out ths process with people i dont even know they exist in school. theyr so cool to hang with. especially Syam, he admits to be my bodyguard, haha nicee. well, i think tht is all of it. banyak lagi sebenarnya tapi maleyh en. so yeah, byebye

till then love love