Tuesday, April 6

Trouble is a friend, deal with it

conversation for today

Abang Zeki : awk lepas spm nk kerja dgn saya tk?
Zana : mak suruh blaja menjahit do, maybe lah kot
Abang Zeki : ha bagus
Zana : tapi takut kene marah do, abang dh la garang gila
Abang Zeki : ha dgn kau, aku mmg cmni sikit :p

so went to the tailor to pick up the the cloth i sent, Meen tagged along. its finally finisheeeeed, thank god. yesterday, went to softball practise by walking with syira, it was only theory but yet was better thn i expected, thought of dozing off but the coach was full of energy. the coach kept laughing at me becse i was to slow to understand his jokes. he made the whole class laughed straaaight at me. NICE KAN. had a long conversation on the phone with Dinney last night, everybody and i mean everybody is worry sick of her especially me. the last day i've seen tht twinnie of mine was the day of the kawad competiton, after that, nadaaa not a single word i've heard of her until last night. she promised me she'll show up tomorrow. i'll hope so, god knows how much i.. scratch that, we miss her. no matter wht, you know rahman and i will have youre back k kecik :)

the thing i hate about tuesday is hearing to Ash satire me all the way in sejarah's tuiton. god, he can be so bloody annoying and i bet most of the girls know that kan. haha.

till then, love love