Friday, May 7

Surrounded by your embrace

conversation for today

iqbal : aku ni hot kan, ramai suka
zana : tak lansung
iqbal : benda betul aw, ramai sgt nk date dgn aku
zana : aku tk pun rasa nk date dgn kau ;p
iqbal : mmg tak ah, kau dh mcm adik sendiri dh
zana : :)

It was our beloveeeed Kak Yati's birthday last night. so we secretly bought her favourite chocolate cake and when she asked who was it for, i told its for a friend of mine. she by far didnt have a clue it was for her. adik and i secretly went to her room and sang happy birthday throughout the door. she notice our horrid singing and opened with a half awake mode. we jst want you to know we truly appriciated for standing with us for a whole 6 years hehe love you xx