Tuesday, June 8


#randomfact: i will mantain as a pure natural black hair until the last breath i hv

Its been around 4 days of freedom holiday and not yet once i can snuggle in my sheets at 8 am in the freaking morning :( its always wake up around subuh, take a shower and off to somewhere. if ths its the meaning of holiday then pfffffft i rather go to school and sleep there like i always do, hihi

not yet until yesterday, i realised the person who's really good at testing on my bloody nerves beside my brothers is Yed. maaaaaan, he can be so irritating sometimes. occasionally i get kinda overreactive over a super little thing but sometimes he's the one who's starting a scene. its never complete without accidently spilling any vulgar words when i'm otp with him. its just how we roll, kan? haha. as i was cleaning my table drawer, i saw ths soft pink card stuck between the drawers. soon or later, i found out it was my 15th birthday card from him. he used to be so lovey dovey and jiwang sampai naik bulu roma aku, hahahahha. i cant believe, for 4 years in high school ive been with the same guy over and over again. its funny how time pass by ay? no wonder Qisse kept saying we definitely have our own record for being so long together.

had a good breakfast with abang, he was rushing to work so forced me to freaking walk to school -_-" Iqbal, Nami, Del and Epa were waiting so i walked as fast as i could. suprise suprise the people who came to the extra class was roughly around 10-ish people but it was okay, it combined with other class, Hariz came. wow thts a shocker :p

Iqbal : zana, kau pegi tak kelas esok pagi?
Zana : taktahu do, dorang semua cm tk pegi je. aku takde kwn nnt
Iqbal : aku ade lah, dtg la do,igt masa depan
Zana : hahaha ok, kau pakai apa nnt? mmg tak ah pakai baj skola en
Iqbal : aku pakai baju pj, kau pakai tudung labuh
Zana : WTH? -_-

i dont know why but i sense the people were a bit high ths morning, hahaha. everyone were making extra silly jokes, goofing around and making the teacher burst into laughters but yet i'm slowly knowing the tactics at sicence's section B. i suck at tht area, SIGH. around 10 it starting raining, Hariz and I was clearly the most devasted as we both were walking back home. not mentioning Iqbal, he and his little motorbike :p so Del and Epa were being unusually nice giving me a lift home. there was ths part when Del accidently drift at the roundabout infront of my house. Epa and me dah gegeeeeel dh. that justin bieber wannabe wants us kill i guess -_-

i might be meeting with my baby boo, Faghah and Dania soon. surely cant wait that to come

and OH, theres this cat sleeping out of my window. first, how the hell she got there?! second, konon comel ah tu, tidur kt situ? haha
till then, love love