can i say
"IM FINALLY A FREE BITCH!!!!" 864 times?
lol. after 11 years of wearing
those clean white uniforms, dragging all those text books, listening to the discipline teachers blabbing about the rules, its finally over. the minute the school bell rang, in a split of second it hit me,
ths is the
lst time we all will be hearing this school bell rings :') well unless you
live really nearby to the school, then you are force to hear the bell rings everyday
lh kn.
ws rushing back to suit up fr prom later
tht night BUT being the usual me, i hanged with
Epa, Del in the car screaming on top of our lungs because seriously
no words can explain hw relieved our spm ws over! tht kinda explain my
( becoming worst) bad sore voice now :s funny
hw people who call me these past few days
hv been
"whts up with the voice? are you dying man??!" haha.
as i
ws getting ready,
Shira and her lovely cousin, Mira
came over to see my dress and help me get ready, Mira did most of the make up.
she's a hell of a makeup guru k :D later on, Del
Nazli and
Nazmi came over to pick me up. so the thing is, as we were on our way, Del "
intelligently" used a way
tht he never used before and
we end up stranded in the middle of KL, literally.

looked all glam up
tht night!
from silver sequins dresses to long flowing dark tone dresses. i
ws in the same table with both of my
Rhman and
Dinney. there were performances by
Radhi OAG, Ticket to the moon and many more,
seeing evrybdy moshing like fuck brings bck memories during MWT unplugged :) but to me the
highlight of the night
ws seeing all the girls in sexy-
fied outfits with full feather masks and a top-to-toe dressed robot
choreographed dancing fr Caprice and
Nik Irfan's opening act . it
ws sickkkkk!~
and oh did i mention,
Yed and I won the
award for sweetest couple? shocker right, trust me i, myself am still taking time to believe
ths haha
*would like to thnks all the prom committe, you guys are the best and two thumbs up from me yawz ;)