Tuesday, January 12

Happy Birthday Qissteey

okay today is one of my friend, Qistina's birthday. i can't believe my baby girl is now all grown up :') hahaha, poyo. so i gave her ths pack of body shop's perfume, and ths red card i made for her. i hope she likes it. haha, we've been friends for approximately 3 years, i used to know her back then as the best athlete at middle school. but we've been close when were in form 2. i didn't know who to sit with, and the minute i know she was in tht class too, i immediantly call her, she was like zana mana? oh zana pendek eh? har har so funny la Qis -_- anywaaaay just want to wish you happy 17th birthday bbe!

soo today, was pretty fun. 2 teachers didn't came. hee, but lots of homework, no doubt. i was doing ths math thingy then suddenly i fell asleep, hahaha, i think thts the first time i slept in 2010. ckp nk berubah tknk tidur dh :l haaaiih. anyway, got back late, around 3 like tht? tk suka balik lambat, nnt peluh peluh do. had ths pandu meeting with the Ajk's, banyak gilaaaa do kerja kene buat, dh nama setiausaha -_- then ths softball meeting before tht. btw, ada ths group of boys gado gado dekat luar, havoc do. then nampak adeeb, sumpah lama gila tk nampak dia, then i asked him sekolah mana skrg, he said dengan bangganya skola VI, pahahaaal skola setiawangsa je tau. haha. then got back ada tuition accounts at 3.30. soo pretty much penat lh. oh ya lupa nk ckp, Leya was sick, aw kesian kn dia. tk penah tengok dia demam, she barely talked to me, she was busy sleeping in the class, poor little thing :( get well soon honey

Till then, love love