Wednesday, January 13

take a chill pill

wednesday is my fav day in the weekend, no doubt. soo, today my girlfriend, Leya didn't came. so sad :( but class was havoc as usual. she texted me in the morning "Na, kite tk pegi tau, tk larat" i was like alaaaa ;( tape tape, hope to see her tomorrow. so as we were doing accounts in the class, one of my classmate yelled out of no where, being as the typical me, i said, weh diam lh bengap. then we will fight as usual, semua dh biasa tgk kiterog gado. hahhaha, then Iqbal said tht i have anger management issues. the minute i heard he said tht, i almost half scream saying WEH SUMPAH TAK DO! bcse i was kinda pissed he said tht. then he said, "ha tengok tu, kn betul aku ckp". then i was like, eh agak ah, haha -_- then fifa, rais and danny said they agreed with him. they said i get pissed easily. no i don't :( Mak said too yesterday, haaaihh. bak kata mak, zana cepat melenting. HIHI

okay tuka topik, haha. tiba tiba teringat i told them tht i went to the counselor last friday to drop my addmath. YES I'M DROPPING MY BLOODY ADDMATH. i don't give a fcuk wht people gonna say, i made up my mind, and tht it is :) so they all asked me wht course i'm gonna take, i said tht i'm gonna take phycology. they were like "tk sesuai sangat la weh, sbb kau cepat marah, nnt orang ada problem pegi dkt kau, lagi problem dia jadinya". haha siaaaaal. pastu rais made a joke, "kalau smokers pegi dkt zana sbb nk mintak nasihat, balik balik terus jadi penagih dadah .. pastu mati". haha fuck you -_- they encourage me to be a journalist or radio presenter, because i looove to talk, no joke. i maybe cn be the next ryan seacrest, omgggg. haha NOT. so moving on, masa sejarah, dinney, my twinnie came to the class. she asked me to follow her to ask for the names sapa nk masuk kawad.sampaaaai lh balik. haih so tired ronda ronda. she wore this selendang full with girl guides badges. she's definetly going to be one of the Pandu Diraja, definetly. so proud of her :) so yeah, thts pretty much it. macam terlebih panjang kn? har har, gonna head fr tuiton at 4.

till then, love love