Monday, January 18


okay firstly i jst want to apologize tht i forgot youre birthday ;( i felt so bad, no joke. i mean like, youre my bestfriend and why the hell did i forget? anyway, i belanja you bas td tu dh cukup kn :) hahaha, jk. Insyaallah, i'll buy you something. one thing for sure is, you've got youre dream body kan, so congrats for tht ;D thnks for being a swell friend, i knoow sometimes you get SO MENGADA MCM SIOT, merajuk sana, merajuk sini, mintak belanja semua, bully bla bla bla but whtever still sayang kau k ;)

i don't know whts wrong with me today, but i kept singing in class. i've got the singing bug from the boys :/ but its in malay and ths high pitch voice with a little ... wht we call in malay "irama" hahaha. they got soo annoying and they'll make ths face mcm menyampah when i sing. haha, bukan selalu menyanyi kn. i jst knew, Iqbal and Hafizil follows my blog, aw ;) OH YA SUMPAH LUPA, i kinda, boleh dikatakan broke my wrist, well its not really broken, its kinda sprained. and it hurts like hell since ysterday, but today was pretty okay, Alhamdullilah. i wore ths bandage around it, people kept asking why, and its because SYAMIN LERRR :p haha, she hit me in kawad practise last saturday, well we played for a bit, she accidently karate-ed me. haha, but i still hurts tho. i was suprised seing danny's black eye, and a bandage too on his left hand. pity him, hehe

till then, love love