Friday, January 15

i heart fortune sushi

jst got back from Jusco. but some few pens and other school stuff. jst had sushi and spaghetti fr dinner. my brother called when i was finding a few pair of earings, i told him i missed him, and he said. tahu tk pe. tk psl kn? hahah -_- qisse jst called, ask if i were free tomorrow, but apparently full with other stuff. won't be home until 7. haih.

"One word that is constantly on my mind right now is 'Tak dapat nk tolong ah John'.Seriously,my classmates has this huge effect on my daily life.From how i use speak to music taste" by afifahchickchakawawa

HELL TO THE YEAH. i learned so many new words since i've been surrounded by them. example, chillex, kawal emosi, tk dapat ah john and so on. even they kept repeating the same thing everyday but i don't think i get bored by it. we may say words tht people hardly understand but who cares, its the way we communicate. haha, music taste too. they kept singing malay songs tht i don't even heard before. they somehow love the band alleycats. hahaha.

i NEED to get some rest now, kene bangun awl haih

till then, love love