woaaaaaaaaah, january its coming to an end, and whts good so far? EVERYTHING. most of the people thinks 2010 is so far so dull, to me its coooool. i made friends with some new people, i made a blog, HAHA, i talked to people who i never tought i would talk with again,learned new subject. yeah, Alhamdullilah. but the thing is i'm getting lack of sleep. maybe bcse i'm too caught up with these assigments dinney gave. AND NOT MENTIONING THE TONS OF HOMEWROK THE TEACHER DUMPED AT US.
i've been surfing the internet to get info's about the camping and lawatan we're handling, never thought being a setiausaha has ths much work, now i know how Kak Nadia does it all :l 5 minutes ago, i jst got off the phone with the Tourism Malaysia Perlis, Perak and also Negeri Sembilan. i wanted to ask about the camping thingy, and i was sooo embarrassed when ..
Zana : Hi akak, nama saya bla bla bla nk buat camping dkt Perak
Akak yang kerja dkt situ : Oh ye? dkt mana tu cik?
Zana : dkt sungkai Hot Water Spring , Sungkai Klah, Sungkai Perak
Akak : oh begitu*she silent for a loooooong time, she said EH JAP EH CIK
then i heard she asked the other workes there
Akak : WEHH, dkt hot spring tu ada tempat camping ke? setahu aku tempat air panas je kt situ, then all of them laughed
my face turned extremly red, i was so embarrassed, dia mesti igt aku budak bodoh mana ntah, haha
i was like sorry tau akak, saya rasa kawan saya(dinney) kenekan saya ni, ish
then she laughed saying, ha ye kot dia kenekan adik, hehe. she gave me other numbers to contact so yeah so many places i called, i called dinney right after tht, tengok tengoook tersalah dgr, she said near the hot spring, not exactly AT the hot spring, haiihz
when i called Tourism Malaysia Perlis, ths nice abang explained where to go and all before i said thnks i apologised bcse called really late, like aroung 5.10 pm, bcse the office hour is up until 5 only. he said, laaaaah takpelah dik. hihi
the teacher jst told me something today that made me sooooooooooooooooooooo excited. ma girls is gonna flip when they hear ths :D