Thursday, January 28

My guilty pleasure, I ain't going no where

today took our photo class. last year of school, kinda sad, really. i mean, i'm gonna miss sitting beside my bestfriends, teasing the teachers, seeing Epa kene denda, listening to Rais and Bal's singing. haih, so much mooore. live life to the fullest ;) kecoh gila time nk ambik gambar, semua nk duduk depan -_- the time i came, the boys were all sitting in the front, i asked mana kerusi perempuan ha? they were like, lah lelaki kan lagi banyak drpd the girls, so korang diri jelah, kiterog semua duduk k. ee pissed -.- talked nicely to them, and yay the girls dpt duduk. truth to be told, in high school, i never stand while taking a photo class, i jst realised tht while i were typing ths. haha, cool do, choh. so i sat infront beside, Raja, Faa and Leya. time candid we almost hugged each other, i shouted "senyum gila gila tau, last year of school" hehe. they boys at the line back were being all so kecoh sampai pergi depan sbb semangat sgt, blocking all the girls behind, haha kesian tau dorg.

today, i'd challenged Fifa not to laugh. she made ths serious face konon garang ah semua, konon tak gelak, the minute i looked at her face closely, dia teruuuus gelak. haha tk dpt ah john ;p (only certain people knows wht ths mean) i accidently shuffle in science lab today, hahaha, danny and ersyad was being all, ceh-dak-dak-shufflers-skarang. bongok.

tonight gonna catch a movie with the favourite peeps. my brother told me last night about the tooth fairy movie, the rock is in tht movie, i was half sleeping when he told about the story, i was busy sleeping, suddenly he knocked my door and start babbling about the movie. i nodding konon konon dgr, haha. migth be having dinner at KL

i jst realised, i haven't cried for a long time. thnks to you, i jst did tht last night, thanks dude

till then, love love