Sunday, January 24

show me wht you got, punk


Zana : eh amali, blanje zana naik bas today, duit dh hbs beli nugget td :(
Amali : oh okay, amali tunggu zana dpn class kay, zana blk 1.10 kn?
Zana : tk sure lg, maybe 1.50 kottt
Amali : mhm okaay

the bell rang, he went to my science cls, and said

Amali : weh zana jom lh blk
Zana : cikgu suruh blk 1.50 doooooooooooooooooooo
Amali : yeke weh? hm takpe lah, amali masuk klas zana lh, blaja science skali
Zana : kau biar betul nk tunggu sampai 1.50?
Amali : ye amali tunggu lerrz

sumpah kau baik gila doo. i owe you one dude

soooooooooo theres so much to story about today and yesterday. mhmm were to begin, oh okay last night Epa called wanted to asked today's school ikut jadual apa, and as i was talking to him, i heard ths background voice saying "zana gedik, zana poyo". i was like eh diam lah kau bla bla padahal tk tau pun sape cakap tu. haha. it was tasuim.TASUIM LOSER. we talked for a bit. we kept saying nnt jumpa sekolah aku tampar kau tau nnt. haha mengundang -_- okay so ada sekolah ganti. SEDIH KAN, but i like going to those skola ganti bcse tk banyak orang, hihi. not many came, but yeahz it was fuuuun. in class all us girls kept taking picture, i felt like i was in all school girls bcse the majority was girls who came. we made funny videos about me being a stylist lah, being a filipino girl lah, Insyaallah will post it soon :D

got back around 1.45 with Amali and Eddyn and got ready by 2. bcse i got kawad and softball traning at 2.30. i was so afraid to be late bcse dinney said "siapa lambat ketuk ketampi 100x" yeah no joke. thts bcse i kept saying, "Maa cepat Maa, zana tknk kene ketuk ketampi :(" and Alhamdullilah tk kena. HIHI. sheyra, ain, and the others were late 5 minutes and kene ketuk ketampi. today kawad was fun, Rafiqa really made me laughed today, hihi love you.

sofball was fun toooooooooooo

Zana : coach sorry tau lmbt, saya pergi kawad tadi
Coach : oh yeke? kawad for apa eh?
Zana : for pandu puteri la coach
Coach : oh pandu puteri? yang pandu kereta tu eh?* dia buat dengan style memusing stering kereta
Zana : *silent* coach tak lawak tau
Coach : kang ade kene rembat dgn bat softball tu kang
Zana : ha tu baru kelakar

Then we both laughed. we all love you coach din! traning until 6.30. got back with syira and dinney. in the car we all played with adam, syira's little nephew. i tought him a new word, "boyan" and he kept repeating tht word. haha. i felt so bad for teaching tht word. stopped at 7-11. us three talked about some stuff

Got back at 7, and mom told to get ready bcse the whole family is gonna have dinner at tgi fridays. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, at wangsa walk. DAMN, I CAN'T WAIT TO GO THERE AGAIN ON NEXT SATURDAY! i love it there, it has a gym, bowling alley, and karaoeke booth. so kenyang! hehe

got back around 11, watched football with abang and brother, and blogging

OH YA! i hv twitter now :'D its 12.14 now, gotta rest my sore feet now. zz

till then, love love