Friday, February 26

sistaaah day

i thought today would be a day off for me, but as always, i'm wrong. haha. i was sleeping when syira called me, she called around 10.15 and told me there was a meeting of the AJK'S at 10.30 am. haha nice kn? i quickly took a bath and had mihun downstairs. zue came to my house and us both went with syira to Choice. met with dinney, nikki, deedee, raja and hanie later. finished our meeting and had lunch together. went back around 2, and sooo penat. met syira at the apartment to give some stuff and she invited to the brownies together. she went back to my house, got ready and straaaight to her house. IT TOOK US 4 BLOODY HOURS TO DO THE BROWNIES. cool kn? syira is one hell of a baker. kalau awak baca ni jangan bangga tau wak? ;p haha. played with Adam a bit, he threw a solid spoon at me, got me furious at first but awhile i thought, kids are like tht. he's stiil so adorable tho. gave mak to try the brownies, she said is was delicious! yay!

time ni dinney dh stress daaah haha

lama tk makan roti canaaaaai

i know kiterog comel kn? hahah jk

ADAM BUGET COMEEEL :P i told him to do the peace!

hahah sumpah ignore the muka do, bukti bekerja keras ni choh

time ni tengah sorok from adam, he was following everywhere we're going

one word, YUM

time ni dh penat gila, adam was being silly and cracked us all up

rockstaaaaar sikit. teringat lagu situasa, perempuan dkt wangsa walk tu sumpah kelakar gila -.-

got back around 7, got ready and had dinner at Sakura Kristal with the family. i saw someone tht i never thought i would meet, hihi :D danced to the song telephone by lady gaga in the car. my dad was like kenapa laaaa dgn anak aku ni, haha. tomorrow is gonna be a full schedule for me. kn dylan kn? haha. my bed is calling meeee, later xx

till then, love love