Friday, February 26


"zana usha mengancam do" by Amad Irsyad

its 3.32 am and i still can't sleep. maybe bcse i took a nap in the evening before. i feel so numb right now. i barely feel anything. i don't feel like talking to anyone right now. maybe chicken pie downstairs cn cheer me up? heeeh no. i need entertainment, i need someome who's willing to do anything tht i demand. i want someone who cn jump of a cliffe for me, or make me a big sculpture of myself, or take me to Genovia( haha dlm cerita Princes Diaries -.-) i saw Bridget Marquardt (former playboy) doing ths like adventure show such as travelling places she's never been before and trying new stuff such as driving ths cool jeep in the middle of the dessert, trying new food, going snorkelling in of the most beautiful beach in the world. wht if i do tht? it would be hell of fun. meeting new people, trying new stuff, i'm always up for a new adventure, especially revolving around speeding fast vehicles

Right after add math paper was over, me and ze girls talked about how relief we were after tht paper and talking about some tv shows . at the back of the class was the famous strict caunselor, Ckgu Fairuz. he was with all the boys discussing something important i guess. so as i was blaberring(you know how i story kn, kene ada tangan gerak gerak, kene buat mimik muka kn? haha) i accidently looked back and saw all the boys including the teacher was starring at me like i did something wrong. i stopped and i said apaaaa? Ckgu told the boys "mak aii, kalau dia ckp bukan kemain". maybe sometimes i do hv to control my volume. lol.
there's ths video my friend jst sent to me, it was recorded 3 days before Valentines Day. do
ignore the faces i'm making and i'm talking crap k hehe

i need a sleeping pill, pronto. later