Sunday, March 7

And we? all getting hosed tonight


Rais Aniq : dua dua muka cinaaaa!

Qeyla's fav photo

gay people

"eeee sepetnya kau,dh macam cina habis dh" by Rais Aniq

today was a fine day. a veryyy fine day. had tuiton acc at 10 and as planned a week a ago to go to the Melawati Unplugged. so got me barely 30 minutes to get ready? my hair was everywhere, my mascara was smugged all over, my shoes was half untied and Meen was otw to pick me up. haha nice! i wore a plain black tee, my favourite navy blue skinny and a pair of black converse. since nobody was at home, my mom went to the office early in the morning, dad was entering ths hoki tournament and adik was off to futsal, so i decided to go with Meen. to be exact, i saw almost everyone was dolled up wearing theyre dresses and heels, syira was beeing all, takpe takpe kita rock kapak sikiiiit. haha

the event started off by performance by khu yu. hahah i'm not sure i spelled it right but yeah. the guitarist was one of the brothers of our batch so everybody was cheering like hell. at one song i saw the boys gave signals to each other, i wasnt sure wht the signal was but the minute the band sang the corus part all of the boys ran to the middle of stage and moshed like fuck. i begged Yed not to go, buat maluuu je haha but he wanted to, so yeah terpaksa melepaskan muu. hahhha, bapak jiwang. kalau yed baca ni mesti bangga ni ha :p i loiked Hello Planet Earth's performance. they specially dedicated a song for our lovely Syira Hafiz which is in the hospital now. the minute they sang, everybody was like on a silent mode. got me thinking, how blessed i am for wht condition i'm in now, Alhamdulillah and i pray her to recover soon. everybody misses you kak. Mubyn sang Bad Romance and truth to be told i moshed for the first time! :D yed ajar ni, haha. everyone was jumping up and down to tht song. i remembered someone whispered to me"rasa macam dkt gig pulak". i said " tahu takpe". i remembered i hold to Jaz and Meen's hand all the way.

Rais was being all gay with me infront of yed, i think tht was the first time i actually hanged with him. and dude, kau poyo gila nk mati. fullstop, hahhah. camwhored with him, Qeyla, Nik, Awin semua laaah. everybody were waiting patiently fr the performance by Aiman Aziz and the band. i laughed seeing Emir blushed when we cheered for him. lol. we all song along to the song 21 guns. got back around 5, Meen's brother took us up. hanged with the mom until 7 and here i am blogging. pictures will upload soon from other's camera. gonna take a shower now! byebye

till then love love