Thursday, March 11

Butterflies in my stomach won't stop

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, okay ths is the recap of my life the past few days


went to prestige for the first time. got really nervouuuuuus. haha so poyo kn takut psal small thiggy like ths :p my friends were all wishing goodluck and telling wht to wear. haha gelabah lebih and Epa secretly wrote something on my notepad and paste in on my table. i laughed my ass off reading to it

it wrote :

  • minum air 8 gelas sebelum pergi
  • jogging
  • cuba lihat tepian rumah
  • bercakap sambil berlari
  • menyanyi sambil berjalan

tah pe mende ntah dia merepek.wore a cheetah tudung, people barely notice me at first. the minute i arrived, saw Meen infront of the entrance waiting fr me, she accompanied me to register, she was there until the end, thnks kecik :-) economics cls was okay, the teacher was fun. the students was extra fun, they wont stop laughing. got sej class later, the teacher was the booooooooomb! he made sej so interesting until now i still remember every single word his says. the thing tht made my day was Mubyn, he was passing me by to go to the chair beside me

Mubyn : tumpang lalu, nk laluu

i was giving him way until he stopped infront of me and said

Mubyn : EH! muka budak ni macam zana oh

then he passed by just like that, hahhhahah

Meen : wehhhh, ni zana tau
Zana : weh? kau tk kenal aku kerrr?
Mubyn : OMGGGGGGGGGG, sumpah aku tk perasan kau do. biar beetul? kau buat apa kt sini?
Zana : soalan ke apa tu, tusyen lah -.-
Ash tiba tiba menyampuk :p

i looked back and smiled
Ash : weh, kau pakai tudung?! kau dh dapat cahaya ilahi ke? alhamdullilah, kau sihat? :-)

Zana : ish apa kau ni, dh ah bla ah, haha

everyone was kinda shocked, kept asking the same question. especially my bestfriend, Rahman. his reaction was priceless. i pretended to be a stranger and asked something to him from behind. he didnt notice me until he saw my braces.

zana : abang, nk tanya boleh
rahman : ye saya? ehh .. ehh.. zanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. (mata sepet terus jadi besar)
zana : haha sumpah kelakar do muka kau tadi

hanged with the usuals and got back with syira around 7


Read fifa's formspring tht day, i asked her.

whts your fav moment with zana? by zezana

then she answered : telling you about the nightlight parody and you would laugh your ass off.The same laugh you did when Rais did his 'Brrrrr' Coca cola commercial.That was epic.

she've been reading ths book called Nightlife Parody. its like Twilight only its the parody of it which is 1372 times funnier thn the original one, seriously. Raja and I went from class to class taking orders fr the girl guide's tee shirt. other boys wanted to order too, haha bodoh -.- got kelab pecinta alam's meeting right after school, the teacher gave some briefing about ths saturdays trip to Pahang. after finishing those mumbo jumbos, went straaaight to science extra class. Meen was being all sweet entering the class with me eventho her extra class was not today. the minute i stepped into the class, i was suprised by :not the lack of people who came, seeing Emir the only boy in the class sitting there doing the class works. Meen and I was woaaah gila ah, kau ok tk Mir? haha he said aku dh rajin lah skrg. pfft ;p i got pissed with someone when i got back. (yes yed, aku ckp pasal engkau haha)

got Tasawwur class tht night fr the first time. Rais picked me up since i didnt knew where the ustazah house was. he came late like 20 fucking minutes late, and we got lost in Taman Permata as in he also was kinda blur where the house was. i fought with soh and lolock in the car, again. perangai macam P U K I :p got back around 10.30 pm and i saw dad greeting me from upstairs, he jst got from Kota Bharu.

Me : Ustazah jangan pikir lain pulak eh saya naik kereta Rais, saya tktahu rumah ustazah dkt mana.
Ustazah : alah, ustazah paham lah :) Rais, kamu jaga shazana ni baik baik ha
Rais : Ye ustazah, dont worry saya jaga dia
Ustazah : jangan buat benda tk elok pulak eh, terus hanta dia balik eh
Rais : haha, ye ustazah. jangan risaaau

oh yaaaaaaaaa, Emir made somethg in science class and hide in my pencil box haha


leya didnt came fr two straight days now. had a blast with fifaaaaaaaaa. jangan nk bangga sgt eh, mak :p haha.

Zana : eh awak tk penah tanya lagi apa apa dkt formspring kita, asyik kita je tanya awak!
Fifa : alah kita takde mase lah
Fifa : tula apa kita ckp, kita sebok sgt dgn tumblr sampai lupa nk tanya dkt formspring awk. hahhhaha. you get my point? you get my drift? you got my zzzz?
Zana : ee pe bende kau merepek. dh cakap mcm boyan do
Fifa : Na, benda kita belajar benda boyan ni dari awak aw

today was the spm results. early in the morning, i called Najla, my cousin to wish her the best. first i saw Kak Sha crying infornt of the door. i was not sure it was tear of sadness or happiness, so i approached her and asked how many did she got. and she got 4A and 4B if i'm nt mistaken, and to me thts fucking brilliant. congraaaats dude. Myra Tan got 7A's. i saw her friends were all crying tear of happiness. hehe. got back with Yed and Nik. finally tunggu pn balik haha

i think thts pretty much it. thnks fr reading ths crap! imma gonna eat chocolate cake now, later

till then, love love