Sunday, March 14

Please check the number, or try your call again

lst thursday night, Fifa called around 11. i felt weird bcse ths bestie of mine never does tht haha so i bet it was something very important. i didnt notice until the fourth time she called.

Fifa : awak, kite ada benda nk bagitahu awk ni
Zana : haa apa dia wak
Fifa : cuba teka kita nmpk sape dkt 7-11 tadi?
Zana : mane lah aku tahu do
Zana : wht theeeeee??!!
Fifa : yeap, mula mula kita perasan sape lah budak kecik ni, tgk tgk dia dgn mak dia.
Zana : weh, alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, how come you hv the chance to met her and i dont? :(
Fifa : haha, dia cm comel ah gak
Zana : I TOLD YAH :p

i dont know why my peeps have against me being a big fan of Liyana Jasmay. one time my english teacher told us to do an essay about our idol and wht he/she have contribute in our country. so some people did A . Samad Said, Jimmy Choo and so on, i did .. lah sapa lagi? my baby boo, LJ ahhh. haha they hate when i call her tht -.- she somehow inspired me in her fashion, she can rock a pair of bright coloured tights and a pair of converse. and i loved her in papadom, hehe. okay baik stop sekarang, nnt ade orang menyampah aku dok ckp pasal dia je :p

So pweettyy :-)

EH HA, jst want to say happy birthday to Rais Aniq! sila kurangkan annoying anda kay. haha
*he's the on the right

till then, love love