Sunday, March 14

Everyone smell like zoo, lol

spent approximately 7 hours in Kuala Gandah, Pahang was a blaaaaast. pretty much flat out but it was def worth it. woke up around 5.30, got ready by wearing the enormous kpa's tee shirt. i looked like a pregnant woman hahahah tapi kesah apa kan. the bus departed around 7, called farah first in the bus, get well soon baby. mish you cho much. sat beside Meen, danny kept coming back and forth wanted to sit with us, haha bapak mengada, padahal tempat sendiri ada tau. the first stop was RnR near Pahang, then took us 30 minutes to Kuala Gandah. arrived at National Elephant Conservation Centre at10, it was like a museum, has those antics and history about elephants. we watched a sort of like a movie before entering the place.

the red stickers are for only feeding the elephants not riding them :(

my fav part when they release the 6 year month old elephant named Tapis to us. he was cuuuuutttteeee. so small :] took tons of picture with them, Cikgu Jannah was by far the loudest one, i guess she's terrified of this gigantic animals? lol

some of them even got the chanced to ride on them, eh eh suka plak haji, hahahha

the elephant understands bm, no joke

OH YA! i got the guts to ask an english man to take a picture with. i tought him the peace :p

Me : Dude, cn i take a picture with you?
Him : Err haha sure
Me : can you ths symbol? is like a peace but you flip it back like ths
Dude : if ths wht Malaysians do and i guess i should do it to eventho i don't know wht the heck is this haha

next stop was the Deerland. got a briefing before entering it, the toor guide named (i don't know) but i persue calling him Pak Long.

Pak Long : sapa sini pernah pegi sini sebelum ni?

i was the only one who raised up my hand -_-

Pak Long : oh kamu ya? bila kamu pernah datang?
Zana : hmmm tahun 2006-2007 macam tu lah
Pak Long : kamu dtg dgn family ke apa?
Zana : Nope, dgn sekolah jugak. time tu pandu puteri ada buat lawatan jugak
Pak Long : Laaah, kalau kamu dh pergi kenapa nk pergi lagi? bagi la chance dkt orang lain nk pergi pulak haha

i thought wht i wanted to reply, i nearly said nk tengok alam semula jadi yang indah ni lagi sekali, but it was too skema haha so i replied

Zana : saya datang nk tengok pakcik lagi sekali laaah

everyone laughed the minute i said tht, cikgu Jannah came to me and said, haihh kamu ni memang perangai mcm saya lah, sep sikiiiiiit hahaha

it started of by giving foods too the deer, i screamed like fuck when they tried to nibble on my shirt. then the tour guide told us to make a U shape formation, we were kinda weird when he told us to do tht, be we did it. suddenly comes out ths little yellow-brown monkey and has a milk bottle on his left hand jumping on of us. we (especially i) was all screaming like theres no tomorrow. somehow i'm not into furry animals tht much :l *except rabbits of course.

Cikgu Jannah terbaaaaik punya muka

semua dh mcm dup dap dup dap

haha cuba tengok muka aku -_- sumpah takut gila tk tipu

cho cweet kn?

muka half excited half takut Jaji, ahah

i loveeed the part when taking pictures with the snake, my friends know how much i love love snakes hehe.

i hugged the all time famous bear, Muda.

Danny and Epul become the photographer of the day.after those mumbo jumbos, the teacher told it was time to go back, i looked at my watch and it was only 4 o'clock, i ws kinda happy bcse i kinda need to rest, i dont think i can walk anymore. so slept on Meen's lap in the bus, wusssshh best gila tk tipu. the teacher woke us up when we arrived at RnR in Genting. everyone ran to Macdonalds to grab a bite. i bought french fries and apple pie for Meen.

Before and After in the bus

arrived at school around 5 and all of us were planning to go somewhere to hang, out of no where we heard someone calling Danny Danny! we turned back, and there he was our Cik Iqbal in a black car. so we all hang in his car for a bit. he told us tht he's off to Dubai tomorrow, so hv fun aite dude! he wanted to sent me back but i promised with Meen i go back with her, so yeah.


the minute i arrived my home porch to ring the bell i saw two motorbikes coming towards me, i got scared at first but the minute the guy removed his helmet, suprise suprise it was my old time friend, Syarif. he told tht he saw me crossing the road so he stopped by to say Hi. the last time i saw him was back in from 3. said our goodbyes and i dozed off until 7

tht night was pizzaaaaaa night! mom ordered ths new cheesy vegy pizza, which is DELICIOUS, and now my fav hihi. suddenly Yed texted me last night, got me shocked all the way. i'm sorry for youre lost and be strong kay, i'll always be here for you xx

till then love love