Saturday, March 20

Introduce you to new things

went to PWTC with my girls yesterday and ending up with ze feet full with blister :-( the day started off by 8 am with kawad training at school. the girls were planning to go fr ths book fair, so i tagged along. got ready around 1 and Shey's mom picked us all up and as planned met Jaz at lrt WM. they all said i looked like a working woman. nice -_-' all of sudden we bummed into our old friend, Farah Adibah, she was going to pwtc too so we all went together. truth to be told it was my first time going so Jaz lead the way. stopped at Masjid Jamek to pick up Tyqa and all of us went to PWTC together

bought a couple of exercise books, especially Math and Ekons as i need extra work on those killing subj, accompinied Jaz with her buying, i think she bought around 3 plastic bag of books i guess? lol. i looove the smell of new books ;) as we was browsing for sasbadi books i saw ths two petite girls passing me by, i thought i recognise her, and they way she walked i knew it was my bestfriend Dinney and Sya. secretly hugged from her behind and she was eeeehhhhh hiiii. hehe, so ths salesman showed dinney ths sorta of little computer thiggy called Besta. as you all know its like a mini dictionary in a electronic way.

salesman : okay benda ni murah je, around rm 700 +
zana : WOW, MURAHNYEEE -.-
salesman : haha, harganya kalau campur 11 kamus bersama jadi rm 700 + jadi sama je, baik beli benda ni, senang nk bawa
zana : boleh msg ak guna ni? *saje je tanya soalan bodoh
salesman : oh boleh boleh
zana : i was like ... sumpah?
salesman : ha ha mana ada la dik, saya buat lawak je tadi
zana : kelakarnyyyyyerrrrz :p
sya and dine : jangan layan bang, DIA MEMANG CMNI

then i saw ths cardboard picture of Dr Fazley at the side of the table we were sitting at.

zana : eh dia ni hensem kan
salesman : dia datang japlagi, dia dkt tingkat bawah
zana : hah, yelatu
salesman : eh betul lah dik
zana : sumpah?
salesman : sumpah!
zana : seriously?
salesman : betul!
sya and dine : kan kiterog dh ckp jangan layan dia ni haha

around 30 minutes after tht i saw ths group of press taking pictures and interviewing someone. we were suspicious to know who, suddenly i saw Dr Fazley promoting his Besta to the audience. it was my first time meeting him, so i got really really excited, borrowed Jaz's phone to take his picture, then i got the guts to take a picture with him. it is at Raja's phone so will upload it soon!

at 4.30, got really hungry so Shira(which i call Ira now), Jaz and i went to the Macdonalds nearby to grab a bite. we talked about everything, and Jaz kept repeating saying the feeling is just like in school, havoc as usual. which reminds me, i kinda miss school. we laughed like hell until 1/3 people in the macd was giving us the weird stare, i mean common we look like 3 innocent school girls who laughs likes theres no tomorrow. Sheyra, Raja and Tyqa met us then after tht. we all split after tht as they were going with the train, us three with Jaz's mom.

so as hanging together at the bus stop, they both told me tht they were going to Super Junior's concert live in Bukit Jalil. they kept repeating "eleh sorry ah dak dak tk minat korean en :p". i've noticed they been saying diff words, easy to say in boyan words la kan, haha.

Jaz : gentle do, geram gila ngn orng td tu
Zana : eh sejak bila awk ckp cmtu? dh pandai dh skang
Ira : awk rasa kiteorg blaja benda benda ni dr sapa?
Jaz and Ira : we learned from the best *looking at me with a big smile

i never thought i would be such bad influence to them, lol. everyone has their own trademark now, will not be mentioning it here but its funny like hell. got really really tired with all the walking plus kawad in the morning, and to top of tht i got tuiton at 8 tht night. then slept like a baaaaabbyyyyy

till then love, love