Sunday, March 21

I think we're almost lengendary

i think the highlight of my week is hanging out with my all time two fav bestfriends, Rahman and Dinney. i definitely have no life these past few days, eat sleep tuiton study formspring then repeat it all agaaaaain, i need school, pronto. so we talked about formspring, which dinney doesnt have a clue wht formspring was. haha, rahman and i thnk people these days dont tend to ask questions to know more about yourself but to criticize or say noxious things to offend the owner of the account. doesnt mean you can easily go through as anonymously you can do such thngs, i mean get a life lah. tk perlu nk macam tu sgt k

us three planned to eat at ths Laksa store infront of our primary school, but its saturday so yeah. haih. the last time i remembered us three hanging out was in October 09 i guess, he threw a birthday bash for him and his little nephew. we dont do tht these days, each and everyone of us has diff peeps in school, diff coarse to persue, diff school activities. Rahman is busy with his scout's kawad, Dinney is busy with her acting gig she just got, which reminds me i want to congratulate both of them for grabbing a part in our school drama. hee :) no matter wht, i know we'll always hv each other's back

i arrived around 8 am in school, and heard someone calling me Naaaaaaaaaaa lama tk nmpk! it was danny. dia pun lagi sekor dh lama tk nampak. tht night ate at my by far the fav place ever, Kg Baru. the place is renovated which brings like a village vibe surrounding it, me likey! so tu jelah kot, bye

p/s the picture above is taken in around 2005

till then, love love