Sunday, March 21

I swear i've seen your face before


i remebered i wished him on 8 March, haha stupid.he was at the school canteen and i literally ran to him

Zana : weeehhh happy birthday tau!
Fit : aw, thnks k ;) PADAHAL BUKAN HARINI TAU
Zana : padahal hari ni tau
Fit : eh aku tahula birthday aku bila ngek -.-
Zana : then bila?
Fit : sampai hati kau lupa ;(
Zana : eleh kau poyo, padahal kau bukan igt pun birthday aku, heh
Fit : 16 july
Zana : haha ok. sorry :l

we've been neighbours since .. ever. we used to be in the same unit peruniform, red cross in primary school. so we always go together fr the trainings, my mom will sent us to the school,tomorrow his mom will. every birthday party he will come. typical neighbours stuff. i remebered last year in Dec, i got into a really big trouble, i almost fell apart but his mom and him covered and lied just for me. i think Sept last year, we went together to our softball bbq, so on the way back we stopped at ths mamak store to buy some groceries. in the car all of us which including Farah, Nazmi, Rahman and Nazli danced like hell to* i cant recall wht the song was, and i was looking at the side seeing a car with ths one family in it, giving us ths weird stare like were a bunch of maniacs dancing like nobody's watching. we laughed like fuck back then. we planned to go to the nearby mamak shop bcse Nazli and Fit wanted to shisha but the minute we all arrived home we all dozed off. it was a hell of a night. so yeah thnks fr being a swell friend aite ;)

had ths seminar addmath and bm at prestige. i came pretty late, thnk god Meen saved me a place next to her. it was 8 bloody hours of torture, lol. joking much, it was kinda fun. felt a bit sleepy but all of us went through it! had lunch at Bangi K with Meen, Jaz and Rman. i was complaining about the food at all of the waiters which i think some of them got pissed haha, but most of them chilled. (main main jer, lek lah derr) got a text from fizil saying he's bald now :O oh ya i met my old primary schoolmate, Izeri at prestige. he looks like Ako Mustapha now, gentle tk tipu -_- finished around 6.30, fit sent me back.

kaki sakit . penat gila . esok sekolah . nice

till then love love