Tuesday, March 23

No escaping when i start

went to Bangsar ysterdy with Dinney, Ira and Hanie. went to girl guide's wisma to buy some stuff fr the squad. i think i need a foot massage, i've been walking 4 days non stop. Ira was being unusually nice to me by commented my hair looks hot. hahahha, i laughed the minute she said tht. i mean, common lah. syira puji? sejak bila la derr? ;p Hanie bought almost everything tht was displayed in the shop, lol. it has so many pretty goodies such as it own logo-ed transparent bag, adorable little badgets which comes in a baby blue and shimering gold on it and so on. got back around 6.

i told my longdistance friend, Faris Amlee tht my kawad competition is on ths saturday. so he said "bukan doa je, smayang hajat skali tau" hahhaa. he moved to Sarawak around ths year if i'm not mistaken.the funny thing was i met him in Cotton On last Dec. he was the only guy in tht shop and i forgot wht he was wearing, a pair of shorts and a ripped t-shirt i guess? his dressing definitely caught my eye and i was, peergh ths boy has guts to pull an outfit like tht. tht night i was browsing through the internet and i acciddently bummed into his myspace page. i added him and we've been friends since tht. he reminds me of my fav singer, Adam Lambert. hahaha, he does, trust me.

till then love love