Saturday, March 27

No time to think, my turn to go

Abang Tersayang :p

lapar gila tk tipu

My very own Bonnie and Clyde

the night on 26/3 was a definitely a night to remember. was supposed to go to this suprise bbq party but changed plans and had dinner at Sakura Crystal. imagine walking almost 4 kilometres at night with only 3 young girls? recipe for disaster. it gives me the creep walking only us girls. Ira and Sheyra are definitely devil in disguise, hahaha, i never thought their will be so much fun hanging with. wanted chicken chop, but the bloody waiter gave me lamb chop, nicee kene bayar lebih kn. we talked about how kawad is gonna end soon and i'm gonna miss hanging with them ;( around 10.30 walked back suddenly yed called. Amar and him were being unusually nice by picking us all up at the bus stop nearby. he drove us to the school bcse i wanted to go back with Fit. the minute i arrived school, i saw all the drama began, i have to say i'm not into the new school's guard, heh. around 11.30 he sent me back with around 6 other boys had to squish themself as i was the only girl so they gave me to sit in the front. haha sorry :l

the day of the competiton, got text and calls from ma peeps wishing luck, thnks, it means a lot to me :-) woke up at 4, and went to school at 5 in the bloody morning. and again the drama began, the school's guard forbidden us to go in so we all girls and others unit peruniform were forced to sit outside for around 1 hour bcse principal's order. all the parents were complaining, haih. so the ceremony started at 8 am and it went well, we were the first one to perform. Dania, Meen and Yang were truly nervous bcse it was their first time. around 8.45, we finished, thank goooooooood it was so relieving hearing parents, teachers and friends saying we did really good, they were kinda shocked bcse we kinda sucked during kawad practise, lol but we did kinda good, terkejut sebenarnya, haha. the best part was i saw two of my bestfrieds, Leya and Faa came to give support, appriciated alot, girls ;) around 12 they announced the winner, we only won the title of Ngo of unit unit beruniform but the overall winner was kadet polis. i bet some of the boys are gonna really rub it in my face in class ths monday -_- got back really early, turned down their invitation to go fr lunch, aint got no appetite. i barely talked the minute i arrived home, adik was being very supportive telling we did our best and all.

Meen and Ira <3

watching our video tht Jaz recorded

Deedee was one of our supporters

Abang cheered me up by treating us dinner and movie tht night. so we all watched Alice in Wonderland at klcc, and i have to say it was pretty awesome. some people were telling before, the storyline was very boring, too long and the 3D sucked, but to me all of tht was bullshitz. it was Earth Hour so all the shops dim their light and it was kinda dark for a whole 60 minutes. otw back had dinner at Mcdonalds. got back around 11.30 and immedianlty dozed off.

till then, love love