Friday, April 2

But when it starts to thunder they all stare

sentence of the day :
"awak form 5? mati mati saya igt form 3 tadi" by Abang Zeki

Peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, HI! :)

Gosh, dah bertahun rasanya tk update hihi,so for the past week i've been having my March test

Bahasa Melayu : pretty okay
English : rough at first but then boleh aaah
Math : fuck graph haha
Add Math : ni tk perlu jawab pun tkpe, i thnk you all know the answer kn haha
History : -________________-
Accaunts : it turned out better thn i expected
Economics : sucksball
Agama : pretty okay
Science : thumbs up

thank god friday is finally here, god knows how much i've been waiting fr ths day, gonna take a loooooong sleep tomorrow IF i have nothing on the schedule tomorrow. so today during recess, Iqbal told me about something involving girls around him so i gave him advices and tips about girls, the funny thing was, all of my guy friends circled up and listen to my blaberring. these days i've been spending alot of time with only two things. girlfriends and books. haha. can't wait to get back to my hectic life next week. so got back, quickly changed and went to the tailor to change the fitting of my pandu and KPA's tee. the next thing i knew, i saw tons of acting crews everywhere at the restaurant nearby and get this, i saw one of my senior acting in it but i was in a hurry so i didnt got the time to watch. went to Damansara after tht. got back around 5 and my baby boo Dania called but as always batt phone died for the 384 times i guess -_-

oh ya, sheyra told me it was Hari Boyan Sedunia today, hahahah. so Fit, Rman, Jaz, Raja, Sheyra and I spoke like "you know wht". it was really funny to be exact. haha -_-

I miss Yed. like alot