conversation for today
time ni tgh main softball
Hanna : WEH ALI, kau salah lah, pegi balik 3rd base balik
Zana : sila kembali ke tempat anda sekarang juga, tolong berlari cepat sedikit*in a flight attendant tone
Rahman & Faiz : wush dh macam pramugari habis dh,sorry ah mcm awan dania kaan
Zana : padahal tk tgk pun aw cerita tu
Faiz : cerita tu best kan rahman?
Rahman : tahu tkpe
Zana : macam gay je laki tgk cerita tu -.-
Hanna : WEH ALI, kau salah lah, pegi balik 3rd base balik
Zana : sila kembali ke tempat anda sekarang juga, tolong berlari cepat sedikit*in a flight attendant tone
Rahman & Faiz : wush dh macam pramugari habis dh,sorry ah mcm awan dania kaan
Zana : padahal tk tgk pun aw cerita tu
Faiz : cerita tu best kan rahman?
Rahman : tahu tkpe
Zana : macam gay je laki tgk cerita tu -.-
finally played softball ystrdy, for all ths time waiting. everytime i come, it will always be raining or another theory. i'm like a bad charm or something, lol. so farah stayed back after school, for god knows how long tht annoying bestie entered the ze house. chit chat and went straight to softball. as we were playing for roughly 1 hour and half it started pouring rain, we thought it wouldnt last long but the minute the thunder starts striking, we know aint a chance we're gonna play. told yah i'm a bad charm :p all of us went to the class dripping wet and had to hear theory until the rain stops. around 5, it stopped, finally thank god. Mas and Faiz gave permission to play in the diamond, we all got excited. talked boyan with Nadia, Atila, Dinney adn Ira. fucked up funny ;D i think of all the people were at the field ystrday, Razin kept saying aku hustle paling kuat. dh nama softball der ;p got back around 5 Ira and Shey, Ira stayed back at ze house for a bit.

till then, love love