Sunday, April 11

Chills me to the bone

conversation for today

Zana : awak awaak, tgk kasut kita :(
Dinney, Ya allah, awk makan kasut tu ke apa?
Zana : td masa warm up dia tetiba terkopak, padahal dh pakai kasut ni dh 1 tahun lebih aw ;(
Dinney : sebab lecak kot, smalam kn hujan
Zana : aku rasa kali ni hujan asid kot, so cm habis rosak kasut ni ha
Dinney : ahahhahaha rrrright
Abang Syfiq : wush, brutal gila kasut jadi cmtu
Zana : eh diam ah, pukul ang
Abang syfiq : perangai pun brutal ha

still puff out due to ystrday's traning. playing under the blazing hot sun is hell, especially wearing those big black jersey's. while traning, the layer under Ira's boot suddenly tore to tatters, at first i laughed at her bcse i thought it was too hilarious then i stop la, rasa bersalah pulak. suddenly a couple minutes after tht, hanna told us to speed with our partner i realise there was mud and water entering in my boot, i thought it was a little hole or wht, i looked at my boots, tadaaa tapak dia hilang mana ntah. inilah balasan gelak dkt orang :/ but i laughed at myself lah, including the other people who saw it -.- coach was being unusually nice and giving time out for me as in have no boots to play in. usually he always tell us to rush back to take extra boots or whtsoever.

since i didnt play, i hang with Iqmal and the corner of the field. daaaamn he is as equal fun and not mentioning gay like rahman. okay scratch the gay part, hahaha, eh gay means happy k :p no wonder he's always surrounded by girls in school. the fun part was other parents came and watched us play from through out the gate of the school. around 7, headed back. mom told to go fr a dinner again with tante yuli (it means auntie in indon :p) and her family. arabian nigggghht! at ths cool arabian shop, Al Rawshah in Ampang. it was pack, thank god we booked earlier. had nasi mandi, for the second time, gentle sedap gila tk tipu.

off to buy ze new shoes fr softball and to the vet. my baby, Lily is sick and i think Lala is infected too. OH! i just remembered,tomorrow is my dentist appoinment and my english oral, fuccccccccccck, i has been 2 month since i last went to the dentist :O anyway laterrrrr awakz

till then, love love