Monday, April 12

You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

conversation for today

Zana : nk seringgit
Elam : dh bagi dinney lh seringgit td
Zana : haih tk pela, zana guna duit syiling sendiri ah. mcm tk cukup je ni
Elam : cukup ke tak?
Zana : ok,dh cukup seringgit dh hihi, nasib baik
Elam : lah igtkan baru nk bg seringgit td
Zana : perangai cm kimakk


well well well, i think i've been counting days for ths birthday a friend of mine and finally the day youve been waiting is finally here kn babe. i hope the 2 minutes and 17 seconds i sang for you last night was worth it, i was too sleepy but thnk god you called again when i was in the taxi otw to school. i know we met each other from other people, you were very close with whom i was too. suddenly a met around March last year made us tighter than ever. youre like a long lost sister, you make me smile seeing youre name appear on my phone whenever you call, hearing you giggle, and talking with you is so much comfortable. i can even count how many times we met but you sure are gold, honey. i'm sorry for my fucked up attitude sometimes, you have to bear with me ths all time. no hard feelings aye, jst want to let ya now, i'm always here fr you aite. a biig love from you adik yang lahir bulan july, zana. hahah

so today, hhhmmmm so many things happen. didnt enter class for one whole day except for english, speaking of english my gang and i finally did our oraaaaal! Khadijah and Teacher Fidzah said i was loud and brave, nice! :D got back, quickly changed and off to my dentist appointment as i said before on the last post, i was bloody terrified when the doctor drilled my teeth, she said it has something to do with the "besi yang tercabut or wtv" and straaaight to softball training, coach was kinda shocked i even made it on time before 5 :p

i need to study, pronto. mid terms is only around 40 days to go :O bye for now

till then love love