Tuesday, April 20

Hey, soul sister!

since others tht didnt go to gg's camping, here's my job to tell you wht happen! :D last friday was our annual year camping, god knows how long and hard all of us planned fr ths. it has been literally a week i didnt enter my class, dinney and i was too busy handeling the stuff and all. on friday, dinney, syira and i left early and went straight to the school hall to pack the food and other stuff into big boxes.before i left the class, all ze classmates were waving goodbye and hoping i dont get possessed by any weird or those creepy scary things in the forest,lol. so we got a glimpse of chance seeing 5W practising their dikir barat. at first, they sucked, really bad. hahahha, but sooner they became really good as they perform last monday. hehe, got back really quick, i was not 100% packed so got me only 15 minutes to pack, lunch and take a shower. terbaik. arrived school around 2, the bus was witing fr us. senang cerita, semua kelam kabut ah. but it went smoothly after tht. sat beside dinney, we were so nervous about wht things going to happen soon. yikeees

arrived around 6 in sungkai Perak, the minute we arrived it started raining heavily, and get ths, us all girls have to walk to our camping site which is around 1 kilometres from our bus in our pandu's uniform. BEST KAN. dugaan dugaan, everyone was dripping wet. changed quickly and AJK's were being extra nice letting them choose their own camp mate. dinney, syira and i decided to sleep in the same tent, sometimes we get so crazy whenever we hang together it freaks people out. haha. so had dinner at ths sort of long table like in hogwarts, the funny thing about the first night was at the dining table, everyone was extra quiet, they were to hungry to talk and they barely knew each other, so yeah. divided them into 4 groups based on natural disasters name. such as blizzard, and wht so ever. had sisterhood tht night, played all sort of games.

everything was okay and peacefull until we played ths game called ayam ayam naga or something, i'm not sure. everyone were laughing like theres no tomorrow. especially syafiqah, she was the most happening ah

it took us 1 and half bloody hours doing ths, ponaaat

official gg's dance

freeze baby, freeze

anak teacher gentle comel gila, masa time ni semua cm awwww, dorg ckp mcm twins :o

mengantuk gila time ni, pukul 2 derr

later tht night, we the AJK didnt sleep bcse of the late night activities, while all of them were sleeping like a baby in their tents, me and the others were busy planning tomorrow activities, the score board and wht so ever. nikki and i were busy choosing the songs for tomorrow's morning aerobic. around 2 in the morning, dinney set the siren, the girls were all shocked and were half awake running to the hall. most of them knew the reason we woke them up, others were a bit clueless. the man in charge which we call pak din gave some briefing before we enter the forest in the middle of the night. so all of us were divide into two groups and blindfolded. i think i was the most scared of them all, i kept hugging syira from behind, imagine walking in the middle of the night with your eyes blinfolded? creepy tau. finished around 4 am, the AJK's was by far the most exhausted, the minute we arrive in the tent, us three dozed off just like tht.

woke up at 6, had aerobic and panji panji.

Nikki : "Puteri! bagila ajjaaaaaaad"
Puteri : "taknaaaak, puteri nak pegaaang lah :p"

Fav photo :-)

then off to breakfast

the day started off with an activity called Abselling. the cliffe was around 8 metres high.

Zana : alah pakcik saya tk takut pun lah turun bukit ni
Pak Din : yeke zana? baik baik la ye
Akak Ina : aceeeh konon konon lah kamu ni :p

paaaap tergilincir jatuh

Pak Din & Akak Ina : hahaha kamu ni otai betul la

the fun part was to reach to the other side, we have to across the river nearby. tht was the part i got all the new scars on me thighs. i fell god know how many times and hit the rocks. ouch

sungai dia cm dlm gk ah

kiterogzz nAmpaK Mcm cOoOOl gilerzz kaAaN!! HAHAHAHAH.

got back, rest for a bit and went straight for masakan rimba in the forest, so we walked 7 kilometres to the place. we had to cook with the food in the list which is a tin of sardine, 3 small potatoes, maggi and flour. we got only 2 hours to form a meal tht can satistfy our lovely leader, cik dinney ;p so all of us got panicked, we barely knew wht we were doing, but turn out it was kinda delicious to be exact! :D

tht night was Malam Kepanduan.each group was busy preparing their own gig to perform. the AJK's quietly did our own gig too, we did dikir barat. dinney choosed me to be the dikir so i had to talk as if i had ths kelantan accent, which they thought i was really from kelantan. haha -.- their performance was the best, some group did a musical play slash acting. some did a bit dancing. so as they all finished the AJK's went to the stage, some were a bit curious why we're all wearing our scarf around our heads.after tht, it was band night and played other gg's game

tv terbaik pernah aku tgk. haha

Mak Pin ohhh Mak Pin

biar kelantan shiiikit

Group Meen VS Group Adilah

Band Night!

woke up early and others started to pack. the day we've been waiting for, kolam air panas timee! :D since Sungai Klah was near to our camp site, we decided to walk. it was really pack with mostly chinese and malays family. truth to be told, we were the centre of the attention, i mean we made so much noise playing games in the water, i bet other families got pissed. haha. after tht, went to mountain spring. all of us, and i mean all of us went down the water slide together, i was holding faiz on my lap the first time we all went. we both drown a first and he cried. i felt so bad but after tht he run towards me wanting to go again. haha so comel

mcm domino, sorg jatuh semua jatuh

packed and time to announce the winner among the patrol group. Earthquake manage to grab the title of winner. every leader of the group was given a chance to give a speech, the minute Meen gave her speech, she burst into tears followed by others. the most obvious was dinney, she was absolutely overwhelmed by our sisterhood feeling and helping each other. then all started crying, gentle sedih. the bus took us at 4 pm, in the bus i decided to teach them the dikir barat the AJK's did, we had so much fun learning new things. arrived around Maghrib, and it was raining heavily, again.

the crazy AJK's

ths gg camping was by far the best, all of us especially, Dinney, Ira and i finally fullfil our dream to take them to Perak. the day after tomorrow, syira told me tht she saw syirin's facebook status "jst got back from pandu's camping, had a blast, really felt the sisterhood", got me smiling all the way ;)

till then love love