Saturday, May 8

Every inch of me is like woah

had 3 things in my to do list fr today.

1. masakan rimba
2. accaunts seminar
3. farzad's birthday party

i only did 2/3 :( today girl guide held a well sort of masakan rimba competition. the most appetizing, creative and versatile dish get the most marks. sadly, Raja and I had to head back early as we have seminar later. the girls were so funny, some of them even screamed the minute they saw a worm.

junior : akaaaaaaaaaaaak! cacing!! :S
zana : lah takkan dgn cacing pun nk takut
junior : ape bende lah binatang ni buat dkt sini, geli betul
zana : dik, cacing hidup kt mana? -_-'
junior : err tanah
zana : HA DAH TU

i call her Jujieeeee :)

got a suprise from kak Julieeeeeeeeeeeee, the last time i saw her was July 09 which was during our camping. i remembered we suprised her, when she was otw back with her boyfriend. we tricked her by telling she left something, so she rushed back and the next thing, kak ting was holding the birthday cake and all of us was singing fr her. she was beyond shock, hehe. gooooooooood times.

ok moving on, semua bawak tikar, kipas bla bla bla macam nk pegi picnic. haha. as we're busy starting fire for each and every group, we noticed something was missing. the sardin and fish for the main dish. terbaik kan? so Kak Julie was being very nice and drove to buy those stuff. around 10.15 am walked to Prestige with Raja. we got a bit late, but Vii helped us. hihi. most of my classmates were there. ysterday, Emir was all gear up for today's seminar and kept saying "nnt jumpa dkt prestige tauuu" haha. the teacher was absolutely enthusiastic teaching and adding to tht, he talked really fast, so i had to take a moment to grasp wht the hell he said. Iqbal was sitting behind me being the annoying as he always is.

sebijik topi mcm JB :D

emir dh dak dak rugby dh skang haha

around 1 pm it finished, i didnt know how to go back.

Tyra : eh zana, awk balik cmna?
Zana : tktahu lagi :/
Tyra & Qisse : lah balik dgn kiterog lah, kita ada kereta
Zana : oh okaay, JAP SAPA BAWAK?
Tyra : knp tanya?
Zana : kalau Qisse bwk, hm takpe ah, tk jadi lah tumpang
Tyra : hahahah
Qisse : -_-

the plan was to sent me back but eventually they brought me to MacD. haha, picked Azmeer first and had lunch there, i was busy talking to Tyra. we talked about how we used to be tight as ever back then during standard 5, i will always make excuse to go to her house. she loves coming here, we used to dance to any song by Spice Girls. hehe, not forgetting our other 2, Fifa and Tiqa. i miss those moments but thank god our friendship is still going strong. in the car, Tyra and Qisse kept yelling to each other, including Sery, haha tht adorable little girl.

comel kan dia

main sape kelip mata dulu. alolo comeynyerr haha


dia buat muka pun still cantik, haih

suddenly i miss middle school.

till then, love love