Thursday, May 20

I think i'm running out of oxygen

Assalamualaikum! :)

currently feeling a bit cranky, didnt hv my nap yet. A BIG SIGH. had math's paper today. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay finally! ceh padahal add math belum lagi kan. haih*sedih balik. 2 more weeks of torture, then free baby. well for a moment of course. had teachers day last monday. to think back, its my last year of celebrating it :( Epa's performance was off the hoooook. i remembered early tuesday morning, i saw he coming to our class with the most genuine smile ever and came up to me and said

Epa : weeeh aku mcm dh popular sikit oh
zana : sebab performance smlm eh?
Epa : ha'aa :D
epa : mmg takkan ah ;)

ha ambik kau, cerah habiss

akak akak saya ;)

the picture explain everything

yang kiri skali tu Faizal Tahir Wannabe haha

*giggles :)

last day got back from tuition with fitri. we danced like a bunch of lunatics the minute "if we ever meet again" song kept blasting from the radio. and btw, Sab, we're not crazy tau. haha just want you know tht :P

a couple of my friends told to see ths 13 year old boy who performed during school and suddenly became a enormous hit on youtube. and get ths, gets a call from ellen degeneres! fuck that.

feel free to watch

imma having history paper tomorrow. can i like skip tht? heh

till then, love love