Saturday, May 15

Imma tell you one more time

Ths week has been smooooooooth. i dont know why but ive been spending a lot of time with Emir lately, weird :/ haha. the other day, my school had career day so theres ths tones of game you hv to enter. i manage to enter only one, and i won ths goody bag. apparently i wanted those phone necklace thingy so Emir secretly asked one of the workers for one of those thingy. he was being unusually sweet by giving me one of it. thanks dudeee.

my pet Lola died earlier ths week. i had her for a couple of weeks, one of my auntie gave it to us as she has tons of little baby rabbits. it was just ADORABLE. it has crystal blue eyes, chocolate coloured fur and is so smaaaaall. I miss her, i really do :(

the funny thing is, i never had a soft spot for furry animals except rabbits, idk, its just their waaaay adorable than cats. cats is just hmm tak comel? haha. last tuesday, Leya purposely pushed me towards ths sleeping cat at the gate of our school. i screamed like fuck,

leya : weh, kucing je tau. jerit punya lah kuat
zana : kau nk kene pukul ke?

senang cerita, i hate cats. no joke

that day i went to tuition by wearing ths black skinny pants. i noticed is waay fit now, maybe im getting a bit fatter? cant wait to tell Fifa about ths, she's gonna be so annoyeeeed. hahaha.

Today is apparently my mom's birthday. woke up really early, ran downstairs and gave her the biggest hug. am going to celebrate ths night adding to mother's day celebration too as she was at Kota Bharu during tht time. i cant explain how wonderful she is, love you Mak, really do :)

cant wait for ths Monday, Epa told me he'll be performing. cant miss that ay?

my midterm is next week, oh my oh my. so ill be missing in action for quite some time. EH my phone is ringing, bye for now

till then, love love