Thursday, June 17


#randomfact :to me,rings is a must have accessory

was supposed to go for a "date" with yed but end up most of his mates were with us so yeah, go figure. lol. suprisingly when Meen picked me up, Soh were in the back sit smiling his guts out. Bumped into Nik at the lrt and all four of us went straight to Avenue K to wait for others. all of us wanted to watch different movies, as i wanted to see Lagenda Budak Setan, Meen wanted to see Karate Kid, Nik wanted to see Toy Story, Yed wanted to see Kecoh Betul (hahahah kidding) but lastly we went with my idea :p we missed 10 minutes early of the begginning, but yet still the movie was shooo romantic lerr~ Nik and I constanly asked Yed whts going to happen next as its was his second time watching it. he kept saying " ish korang tengok jela -.-" haha.

Adeeb suddenly came to our table while some of us were having lunch. i mean its been ages since i saw that dude who labels himself as "a-chick-magnet" . had lunch again at Subway later. it felt good spending the day with Yed and the peeps.

<----(hahahhah kalau soh dgn nik baca ni msti gelak -.-)