Wednesday, June 30

Well, come on, come on, let's play

Happy 17th Birthday Tyraa and Lia!

whenever i see her, memories during middle school kept flashing back. we used to be the "mean girls" back then. we did everything from teasing almost everybody in the class, fighting with each other (including our other two, Fifa and Tyqa) every friday and not forgetting the most infamous conquering the girls bathroom and act like as if is ours. every PJ time,we'll lock the door and bath for i think 30 minutes in it? haha. yeah BATH. no joke. we were so close with each other's family, my family will call her "muka amoi amoi tu", while her fmly called me"anak doktor" . one of the best memories i had with her was, our standard 5 science teacher told to do a paper mache volcano. so i stayed at her house from the freaking morning until late evening. i think we've got an A for that project. haha. all i can say, that she's been a swell friend, never failes to put a smile on my face.

we had many mutual friends, thats how i knew ths petite versatile chick. she may be small in size, but goddd her voice is enormous :o especialy the way she shouts. mcm mana rahman tahan, aku pn tktahu lah kan. haha. she's one of my peers who's really active in ths theater thingy. from wht i heard, she's one tight ass dancer. plus a good singer too! mcm all comes in a small package kan? i remember, last Nov. her and our other friends accompanied me to ths Fashion Week Bazaar. they were the first witness me buying my very own inspired chanel bag :p as we're having our drinks and so on, it started to rain like bloody hell. we barely see the car we parked. so all of us including Mawi (her boyfie) ran like hell. all of us were soaking wet and we had Man's birthday bash right after that. Lia was by far the most hyper between all of us, she kept jumping up and down in the front seat. she sure is a hand full ;p i had a great time with her especially the part when we camewhored with the mask that were is in the goodie bag. good times

love you both eheheheh