Saturday, July 3

With the jack and the jukebox

#randomfact: me and numbers just dont click

You know when seing in the screen tv models hurrying back stage and saying"oh the atmosphere in the backstage is-oh-so-tight. everybody and almost everything is total chaos. people running here and there finding the designer clothing with their names on it, running to the make up stand to ask the make up artist to touch up with high expensive cosmetics brands and after all that comosions run through the runaway,walk with no emotion plastered on your face as thought nothing happen and strike your fiercest pose". well im a bit exaggerating but that happened to me in school today. It was pratically my first time handeling bck stage as people kept asking wht to do, where to make next move. it was extremly eexhausted being a director.

Teacher Fidzah stumbled us all by shifting our turn from number three to number one. so all of us had to turn into our drama outfits in a millisecond. the unexpected happen.each single of us were literally sweating like a pig, rushing here and there. the rest, we'll leave to the jugde. from wht i learn, my classmates were the best. we grew a bond through out ths process and fr that i thanks all of you guyyyyyyzzzzz and oh thanks to others fr sending texting and calls wishing luck. really really appriciate it ;)

Someone made me pissed*scratch that. someone made us all pissed during the event was over, i was frustrated with that someone's attitude and the thing tht someone did. i felt like cursing whenever i look at that someone. Kimakk. Dinney and Shaa accompanied me home to comfort me after wht happen. it was fun, dinney said it was our very own girls day. hehe. after watching The day the earth stood still while having lunch, us three dozed off until the late of evening.

Dinney decided to sleepover so we all ordered pizza and had movie niiiiight. dinney was super physced bcse her fav team Germany was on that night, so she and adik stayed up until 2 in the bloody morning while i was busy sleeping in my comfortable sheets, hehe

so here are some pictures some of you were waiting

sya's mom did our make ups

i know, i'm so tall kan


by far my fav class. they were dancing to the song Baby by JB

peeps who's been standing with my bloody temper along ths whole process haha

sama tinggi (PADAHAAALLLL)

wht dup homie?

LOL-ing with Nabb and Danny !

familia .

aint ma homies all pwetty ;)

so thats pretty much how my saturday went

till then love love