Wednesday, August 25

Hey young world I'm the new Slick Rick

Happy 17th Birthday Aleen!

funny how our friendship started. from a coincidence-run-to-each-other, it bloomed into a very sisterly friendship. she lives all the way from Subang and obviously is not as easy as pie to meet each other. the first time i met her was in Kfc, Pavilion. i know cliche right? she was with her peeps, i was with Farah only. suppose to meet Nadea, my other close friend and out of the blue there she was introducing me to Aleen since they both also had a tight bond. the first thing i notice about her was her bob rihanna style hair do. i always wanted to do short sharped hair like her but didnt have the courage to do so. with her crispy bangs, made me utterly inlove with the hair do. hee hee. with her petite size i didnt knew she can be effing crazy such as me and Farah. obviously she blend with us well ;)

one thing i admire about her is her willingness to hear. as if she's always there when you need her. she's a perfect resemblances to a quote of meaning "a shoulder to cry one". im so sorry i cant be at your school to throw flour and egss like they said it yesterday, haha :( i wish you all the best love

omg speaking of the devil, she's calling right now!! she must be pissed i didnt wished her last night, will call you as soon as posibble k babe. love you lotss

till then, love love