Friday, August 13

There's no kindness in your eyes

#random fact : im into the colour red fr the time being

I, shazana rashid will not lie the MWT's sweatshirt is 3x bigger the size of my small figure, as Epa would say "zana, you look like youre wearing a potato sack on you" thanks fr the compliment k -.- but the better side of it, its so comfortable to weaaar. here i am wearing it while Mr Droplets are outside. im literally freezing in here and adding to tht the air conditioner is approximately around 18 degrees.

, i almost forgot, i chopped of my hair!- shoulder length, no more curly murly at the bottom. im still adjusting myself to ths new hair cut, other than that i feel great with the new fresh free of split ends :)

a little of you know, im officially a guardian to 3 little rabbits. i got it fr my birthday present from one of my aunty whom i think is one of the most generous people standing on ths earth. she was completely stoned when it comes to my birthday present, instead she gave breathing little creatures to accompany me. hehe. it all happen when i got back from school finding a sort of white geometrical cage isolated behind the BBQ stand. my maid said my auntie dropped it of the night before like as a surprise ;) my brother and i fell in love the second us both layed eyes on them. as you can see in the picture below, the twins which are light chocolate brown in coloured are satin angora rabbits. the middle one is Lola! mine's is Cleopatra and my brother's is Fuzzball but unfortunately Lola died a week ago. i bet sya is gonna be devastated since i can see the love in her eyes when she held Lola recently.