ive been
MIA for the past few month.
havent got the time to update anything but
no fear, im here!a lot
hd happened, for instance i
quit my job recently. believe it or not, being a promoter
aint tht easy pie as you see at some stores. you
hv bloody choosy customers,
working hour as if its forever,
you HAVE TO STAND for 8/12 hours a day. i mean you get my point..
other than
tht i just
registered for my licence.
*i knw so lame right baru nk register ;p* oh well, better do then not
ay.. if youre a good friend of me, youll knw hw ive been dying to get
behind the wheels. in a couple of weeks
my dream will be established! next
monday will be my computer test. do wish me luck!
ive been spending a lot time with my friends and family since the
theres no burden on my shoulder anymore. i mean i have time to actually sit down and hv dinner with my family, from time to time ill cook for dinner. i also get to just hang and chill with my homies. you see
the perks of unemployed kid ;)
much love!