Sunday, March 6

I am bound to you so much, so young I’ve faced on my own

ok first of all, i miss work! i miss the environment, the people, the customers. ahh, i wonder how is Alain Delon without me ;p hehe. my fellow colleagues hd been sweet people by texting "plz do come bck, we miss you" or begging me to hv lunch during their break time. ahhh, no words can describe hw much i miss them..

moving on, since i hv a lot of spare time. ive been catching up with the latest movies. for instance

1. Burlesque.

i wtched it with my fello colleagues. the dance routines, shimmering costumes and fucking brilliant vocals from Christina Aguilera are to-die-for. and may i say, cam gigandets is yummylicious! and note to girlfriends, advise to not wtch ths with your boyfriends cz a friend of mine did the same thing and got pissed by her boyfriend who ws amazed wtching the dancers in tight sexy-fied outfits. LOL

2 . 127 Hours
wtched it with my one only, Yed. as usual james franco is utterly adorable in it. the moral of the movie is pretty much simple : tell your family and friends where are you going and do not, and i repeat DO NOT ever go hiking alone. chances are something bad will happen and aint nobody gonna help ya budd.

3. im dying to wtch sucker punch, black swan and no strings attached. oh well finger crossed i got enough $$ to watch em all!

much love!