Tuesday, February 9

Brace to the face

woah, i haven't been updating tht much, its not like i don't have any interesting to tell, i do but i don't know how to tell. bcse i get too excited over some stuff tht i'll start blabbering nonsense. haha, so baik tkyah bagitahu kan. soo, yesterday went to the dentist at HUKM. usually ze mom picks me up to send me there but she's handeling ths exams for the students at the University so i went with a cab tht my mom ordered the night before. the taxi took me up around 3 and arrived there around 3.30 pm

today is the first time i'm wearing those getah thingy(people who wears braces only knows). and yes, IT HURTS LIKE HELL :( i'm starving since last night,only ate chicken porridge and some butter bread. bapak was being all "i never knew braceface should be through ths kind of torture -.-" haha, yed called tht evening. he barely understands wht i'm blaberring about.haha. its kinda hard to talk with the getah thingy. danny told to change the colour of my braces from dark turquoise to fuschia pink! :D so i did it, and i'm lovin it, looks like barbie tho. hehe

i was kinda shocked wht ths friend of mine told me today. people are becoming meaner and meaner by the day. haih, anyways got back late bcse of add math's extra class. raja crack me up in the bus, haha takpee still sayang kaaaau :) and i was being all excited bcse ths boy on the bus has ths like greenish-greyish eyes.

Zana : weh weh weh, you pakai contact eh?
Boy : *made ths suspicious face bcse we never talked to each other before* oh err, bukan pakai contact lah
Zana : HAH? so natural ah?
Boy : Yeap* and smiled
Zana : SUMPAH?
Boy : sumpah
Boy : haha, ye sumpah lah
Zana : wht about youre hair? msti you coloured youre hair kn?
Boy : nope, natural too
Boy : haha YEES, SUMPAH!
Zana : thts cooool

he said he was mix malay portugis or something, didnt heared him tht clear. Nicee. oh ya tht day, i saw danny at school's assembly, i gave him ths biiiig smile and waved at him. and he immediently gave me ths really dull face and hardly smiling and walked away, just-like-that. me and leya thought he was angry at us or something. in class, he immediantly came to me from behind and whispered" i'm sorry tau, Na" . i almost startled and almost smacked him. haha. he said he's tummy was hurting so bad, he didnt felt well, haha no hal lah ;p

can't wait for valentine's day movie!

till then, love love