Saturday, February 13

Happy Chinese New Year! :D

yesterday was awesomeeeee. school was fun, well of course it was, its the last day of schoool :( ceh padahal 1 minggu je cuti kn, but whateves, finally i can wake up late babyyy. i've been waiting fr ths days to come, hehe. it was a bit hectic tht day bcse i was the treasurer of the class, so around 3 teachers told to raise money for the paper homeworks they photostat as homeworks for us. so i have tu run here and there to find the teachers to give the money and take the homeworks. the thng tht made me pissed tht they were not in the teacher's room. so i hv to rushed class to class to find them, and time was ticking to 12.30 pm. finished all the thng by 12.25. and i as sweating like a pig, no joke.

since Vday is coming up, and i hv nobody, absolutely nobody to celebrate it with, then at one point it hit me. nobody? don't thnk so, i have those awesome girlfriends beside me to celebrate it with. so i made something for Faa and Leya. put ths big love shaped card on it and secretly hide it under their desk. the minute they arrived in class, i went straaaight to solihin, to act like its not from me. it took them around 5 minutes to discover the thng i gave, haha.dorang tk perasan -.- they were like awwwww, and called my name wanting to thank. and us three hugged each other tightly. its like our daily routine to do tht. hehe. oh ya, dinney made ths Valentine Sandwich for me. haha comel kn? bcse i ordered a chocolate lolipop for her, and she loveeed it. she said, she made the sandwich with love. aaaww :') haha loves you dude

in the bus was loud, today was a bit loud bcse i have my dudes, Jaz, Fit and Man also. i only can go back with them on friday :( Luke and Nik were being extra-extra-annoying tht day, saying. "Eh Hi zana, Eh Hi zaed, Eh hi zana, Eh hi zaed". rasa nk lempang pun ada sebenarnya. haha -.- and to all the people who starred at me, its not my fault, the bus was so loud tht i had to shout to talk to the person beside me. hihi

at 2, went to pasar seni with dinney to take the tee's we ordered. bummed into Soh and Fatin in the bus, soh bangga gila pegi sembahyang jumaat. haha -.- tk dpt nk kerek dgn dia for one whole week, haihz. in the bus, suprise suprise bummed into Beduuuuul. he gave me the latest updates about him bcse the last time i saw him, was October last year i guess? we only communicate through myspace since he finished school. i wore a magenta pink tee and a pair of washed acid jeans and a brown vintage bag. it matches with dinnney's bag. wht a coincidence kn :D the shop was a bit far from the lrt so we had to walk for about 15-20 mintes to get there. the minute i arrived, i was blindsided by the stuff they wre selling, baaags, necklace, jeans and wicked tee's. shahriel was the guy who was incharge of the tee's we ordered. damn, i have to say, his one of a kind. he has ths sense of humor, he sells almost everthing, from tee's, buttons, bags, caps and so on, to top tht he even invented the logo for the band Flop Poppy. he worked with so many talented and famous artist and even worked with runways, topshop and f21. he's just ths rock and roll dude who eats popcorn chicken as his ideal meal for a diet. haha. met ths other cool dude, tony. one thng is for sure, i definetly made him smile, shah and chichi were saying he's the type who hardy smile. and they gave me two thumbs up for finally making him give a nice warm smile to people. hehe. had a blast in their store. otw back, dinney and i stopped at ths culture shop. bought ourself each a batik fan. mine was ths abstract brown and glittering golden fan, she bought a cream and medallion brown batik fan.

the last time i went out with dinney was last year which is bad bcse we've been besties for a whole solid 8 years, we used to go out together almost everywhere, swimming, outing with the peeps, eating at kedai mamak. but we hardly do tht these days and a outing with her definitely shows to me, how much i miss her.

got back around 7, my uncle stopped by to discuss some business thingy with ze father. my house ball rang around 9.30 pm, we all have no clue who it was. i heard someone downstairs yelling abang jeb balikkkkk! i quickly ran downstairs and gave him a big hug. and wont let him go, he was," zana lepas laaah, abang dh penat ni, haha" . its been 3 month not seing him, maybe its not tht long, but i miss him like hell, seriously. i never been apart with him tht long. we used to be so close, he's like my partner in crime until he got into a pilot school in Kota Bharu. glad tht he's back, but he'll be flying back ths monday. siiigh

OH YAAAAAAAAAAAA, i saw a poor little bird infront of my house porch when i got back. it barely can fly bcse of his wing. so i gave it some food, and release it in the backyard. i call it, Bernard, haha bcse it was so cute :D