lst night went to victoria station for dinner with the whole family, its been ages us 5 went dinner together ;) the minute we wanted to ordered, it immediantly BLACKOUT. some people were screaming, some people were giggling at first. i thought they were trying to prank us or something but find out it got something to do with the electric circuit. after 20 minutes looong waiting, the light went on back. truth to be told, it blackout 3 times. haha -.- had a good laugh with the family. the minute we stepped out heading to the car, the fireworks were blasting exactly infront of us. it was absolutely magical, i hugged my brother. gave him a peck on the cheek saying, i know you miss me dude, he said "benda tak aw, haha" siooot :p drove to taman Tar to my dad's friend house. the houses there were wicked, no joke. maybe i'll be living there. who knows? Insyaallah :-) got back around 12, and played the game Worms with adik. haha, i lost the second time we played, but i love tht game
tht evening, i was in my room, until i heard my dad calling from downstairs. actually, my dear pet rabbit, Lala has been gone missing for a few days, the day i knew he wasnt in his cage, i cried like fuck. but i didnt told anyone bcse i know Lala will always find his way back home but unfortunately it didnt :( so left Lily all alone. poor her, she didnt eat, she didnt play like she always used to, she's just .. lonely. so back to the story, dad bought us a new rabbit which looks EXACTLY 100% like Lala used to look like. it has orange patches, ths birthmark on his ear and his extremly long nails. dad told tht he went to the pet store wanting to find fish food but he saw ths particular rabbit which looks like Lala. the owner of the shop told, a few days ago, someone found Lala and sold him at ths pet store. fuck you sapa yang curi, heh -.- so hugged lala as tightly as i can, i brought him to Lily, and you can see how much happy she is. god knows how much i love them both
Valentine oooh Valentine, sigh