Tuesday, February 23

Happy Birthday Old Peeps!

wow,so many of my friends are legal to get behind the wheels now -.- three of my my dearest friends jst turned 17 today and yesterday!

starting with,


he's on the left.known ths dude last year, well technically since form 3 but we've become buds since last year. the first impression of him, damn he has good hair, haha i'm sorta into guys with emo-ish style hair, so yeah. BUT i'm so not into him, god -.- he's one of the coolest dude i've met before, he's definitely our class clown, he has ths way to make people laugh. which, by far never failes by doing tht ;) i always get into a fight with him bcse of his bloody annoying attitude. ths time last year, i made a card specially for him and made the whole class full with their thoughts and signatures. we wrote WE LOVE YOU EPA! the minute i gave him, i can see how blush and appreciated he was. good times ay. so yeah, dude don't change a bit about you bcse youre perfect the way you are ;)


he's definitely like my own personal brother in class. sometimes he calls me adik bcse of my height -.- he's a pretty much a lay back person, jst go with the flow, you know? haha. he always ask me to be his acting partner in any acting performance in school. haha, he always says, kita dua kan ada bakat :p one time, we acted in a scene being brothers and sisters fighting, at the stairs if i'm not mistaken and hell, i hv to say he's one good actor for sho. dgn mata, muka seriousnya, semua laah, ade masa hadapan cerah ni, ceeeh haha. so aite, keep up the skills aite! hehe


she;s wearing the soft pink tudung in the back.adorable defines her. seriously, she's adorable in all kind of way, the way she talks, the way she wiggles sometimes*haha the way she makes jokes. during last year, dinney,her,rahman and i went to the school library during school holiday. bcse dinney wanted to do pandu's service thingy, so we all tagged along. so we got kinda bored, we started talking about johnny depp in sweeney todd. we were saying how awesome the movie was. and i realised sya was being all quite and nodding of wht we're talking about. so i changed into a topic tht we all cn related to. i can't sure wht the topic is wht about, but i remembered out of no where, sya said with a blurred face

sya : oh ni cerita pasal johny yang gunting gunting tu ke?

*rahman and i stopped and looked at her and laughed like we're both was a kid on a sugar rush

zana : dh tuka topik tau sya, dh tuka lama dh, haha
sya : ooooooooooooooh hihi kita mane tahu lah!

haih, so adorable do. happy 17 k babe! :)

so May Allah Bless you all k! ;)