Thursday, February 18

Hit me like a ray of sun

i've been spending the past few days with the family, makes me realise we dont do tht often the past years, everybody is busy. everbody has their own life to look up to. everbody has their own problem to handle. i'm lucky to have a strong bond with the family, yes every family has their ups and down. we definitely have ours. but through out the day, no matter wht shit comes in the way, i know tht their the only one standing beside me no matter wht.

I miss my friends, especially the classmates. i miss every morning hearing them already screaming at the back of the class, hearing them singing, talking about all crappy and nonsense stuff. talking about the class, last friday our class got called by the principle. we were all*especially me got the goosebumps. i'm the not-so-the-cool-type when i comes to going to the principle office or wht stuff. so she said some stuff tht should not be mention here :p got me realise, stop fooling around,already! spm is like 200 + days away, i need tht fucking scholarship, i really do. and i want to persue my dreams jst like my dear mom :)

feb test is next week and i've been paying extra attention on Agama and Bm due to not have tuiton on those subjects. might be shifting to Math, Add Math and Sej later. i've been studying alot with ze lil brother. he sucks at BM, haha so everyday us both learn all kinds of new peribahasa. so i asked him to give me a peribahasa tht he knows, and he gave me" bagai orang buta mendapat tongkat" and i was like? weh wujud ke tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? he might be true, who knows. haha never heard of tht before tho -.-

Jaz jst texted saying the seminar add math is full, aaaaaaaaaaa :( so sad, dh semangat nk masuk. Dania asked me out tomorrow, she wants to see Valentines day, her boyfriend is in it, so yeah, she's all excited ;p haha. still not sure am going or not.

till then, love love