Tuesday, July 20


i had a good saturday indeed. hehe. they day started off by handeling girl guide's explorace in school. i was incharge being one of the check points. it startedt a bit late than as planned, typical us girls :p it shocked me around 50 ++ girls came to participate. nicee! i loveeed the check point i was handeling, technically Raja and I had to rap around 30 places like supeeer fast and make the them repeat each and every single word we said without orderly, of course. the best part was, i get to fucking spray water straight into their faces if they get a single word wrong. hehe ;) as if i can be evil, but with permission ;p i think Lia was by far the most i sprayed, she kept making up places which is not even in the list, she kept yelling like ths little annoying kid who didnt get the candy she wanted whenever i sparyed her.hihi sorry Lia :p some of them for instance JAZ sprayed me bck because i accidentally sprayed her. haha hanks a lot dude

Syira's checkpoint



*rahman drew ths artwork for me as like an additional to his previous gift. thanks man :)

we're way cooler than you

thanks Raj sbb spray betul betul haha

dia kok ngomong akunya retiin endon deh


around 11.30 Raja and i just had to excuse ourself bcse we have plans for our owns later. before i left i apologize to the girls because i kept spraying them repeatedly, haha. some of them were chill about it..some of them, im not really sure. maybe be fucked up pissed i guess? haha :s dad sent us both to WW. ze girls went to our own so co called paradise..the karaoke booth of course. it was my second time going but hell we sang like it was our first. i sang my guts out at Mr Brightside by The Killers. and i hv to say, we all enjoyed to the song You Belong To Me and Kiss Me. suddenly they suprised by each of them giving the presents before we all headed out.

Met Yed first and went straight to the bowling alley. i got a bit jiggly as its been ages since i touched those big-colourful-sized-watermelons but i cant just sit and just watch them play can i? while were busy hitting those pins, the boys came which is Danny, Epa, Rais, Lock and Zarith. until ths second, i still cant believe i scored the highest, hahahha. coolio

i was starving like hell since i only had a piece of toast bread fr breakfast, so we decided to grab a bit at Subway. i was a bit bummed that we had to eat outdoor at first bcse its the smokers area section but then sooner, i found out it was their plan to eat outdoor so they can light up the chocolate cake they wanted to suprise. hehe. sho shweeet. its basically for Rais and i, so we both blew the candles togethaa. suddenly,out of the blue danny said now im old enough to hear their dirty jokes. stupidddd -.- around 6, us all separated as the boys wanted to go to soccer later and since our moms are coming in 30 minutes, we managed to do a bit window shopping.

sent both ze girls and that was the time mom told me that she'll be picking me up in 45 minutes as she just arrived Jusco to do a bit shopping. nice kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn. yed was being sweet to wait with me patiently. so we decided to hang outside and just talk. its been ages since us both just sit and talk. it feels good, it really does.

mom came with a good mood (since it was my birthday kn :p) telling me that we'll have dinner at anywhere i want. of course i choosed my all time favourite place in Kg baru, so later that night the whole family went there. Dad gave a bright red Carpiso and navy blue DKNY bag. suddenly ths time he nailed it, hehe. Mom gave a flower stand to put candles in it and adik gave a bottle of er.. mineral water? haha. thanks anyway. love yous all!
so technically ive been walking non stop from7 am to 1130 pm. another coolio

till then, love love