Friday, October 8


randomfact : everyone on this list were in the same primary school with me :)

Jazrina -11 oct

this little cutie is by far one of the sweetest girl i know. we used to be so close back then in form 1 since us both were in the same class, 1 Bakti. i get along with her perfectly. we had girl guides activities together and even dance class. if i had to name one person who's addicted to all-things-related-with-Korean-movies-boys-singers, it would definitely be her. get this, she even went to super junior's concert this year. told ya she's one die hard fan ;p even though we both are busy with each other's shit but i still try my best catching things up with her.

Rahman - 12 oct

where to start..where to start. weve been best budds since i cant remember. i dont feel like slipping into fancy clothes, make sure my hair is in the proper place, i never bothered tht i look like crap whenever im with him.

he's one of my pals who is extremely talented when it comes to arts. he even drew a red rose picture for my birthday recently, everybody got jealous, hahahahha. the best moment i had with him ws my parents had to pick me up late one night, so i had to stayback at his house together along our other gangs, Dinney and Ayie. so we had maggi, watch a round of movies and just hang. that were the days, i really hope after all these exams, things return to way there are + i hope you love the Paddini watch we bought for you!

Marhaini -17 oct

this just pop in mind.
on her birthday i didnt wished her at 12.00 am like other people did but instead i wished 20 hours late. hahahah wht a good bestfriend i am kan ;p i called and immediately turn onto loud speaker. since Dinney, Ira and Sya stayed over my house tht night, we all sang her happy birthday... well more like screaming happy birthday at her. from hearing of her voice i knew she was blushed seeing me do tht fr her :)

theres this thing, if i go window shopping or even go for a stroll at the nearby park with her is that people (normally guys) cant get their eyes off this girl. i mean, why not? she's pretty, superbly intelligent and did i mention single? ;p my first expression on her that i really thought she ws a snobby-thinks-she's-good type of girl. Oh mann, i ws wrong! her down to earth and graceful makes me comfortable being with her. I miss her infectious laugh, lame jokes and even spending the whole day in her room doing photoshoots of our own but first and for most, i miss her.

Fifa - 21 oct

if you are a close friend or a classmate then youll know how much times in a day she bugs the hell out of me. a days is not complete without us fighting but somehow in the end well bounce back together kn baby ;p weve been bestfriends since standard 5 so you do the math how long weve been sucking up with each other chaos, hehe. if i can label her it would be "unbiological sister" she has the most wisdom advices, her matured way of bringing her self around people makes me look up to her. OMG, this just hit me. she has this weakness when shes in a bad mood, i always never fail to make her burst into laugh. told ya she loves me too much ;p and oh i surprised her days after her actual birthday with a banana cake, chocolate indulgence and i forgot this name of the cake. she was suprised, like really surprised like this ---> :OO hahahaha, i loved the fact tht she enjoyed it.

till then, love love