Monday, May 31

#randomfact : unpredictable people ticks me off .

Friday, May 28

Imma be the flyest chick, so fly

#randomfact : out all of my peeps, i'm the only one who doenst have fear with snakes

had a niceee dinner with mak and adik while watching American Idol's grand finale last night. speaking of that, way to go Lee Dewyze! i still hope Crystal won, but whteves. ok where was i? oh ya.. dad has been in kuantan for a whole week. apparently mak is off there to meet him ths afternoon. so as i was in my room doing some spring cleaning since my room is a total mess every exam season comes, mak came in and showed something she just got. i was so fucked up jealous, no joke. hahaha wht kind of daughter i am. sheesh

yesterday was by far the best day in ths exam week. since my class didnt have any paper on tht day,we all girls shifted to the library. after doing our homeworks and stuff,we got along by playing batu seremban and took pictures with our lovely, Cikgu Khazimah ;p it somehow felt calm. absolutely no noise from other class like we used to hear everyday, sometimes it feels good to be isolated from all the havoc. since i'm taking additional subj,Tsawwur, there'll be 4 more papers to go. oh baby, that sounds gooood. then a whole 2 weeks off pure freedom. well not actually, lol. Mary just texted, she asked to do like usually shopping spree like we used to do together right after exam ended. i miss that amoi bestfriend of mine, really do. i listed wht to do during holidays and one of it is to go watch Iron man with Yed but i dont think it is still available in cinemas? haha. sorry dude :s

Yed just gave ths youtube about lady gaga. its sad whenever i'm inlove with that celebrity there's tons of negative press about them. and well, lady gaga is by far the worst. she has ths way influencing people with her addictive and fast beat songs. i saw few Malaysian celebrities following the way she dresses and i mean common, some people think they can pull of her top to toe unique and bizzare fashion. heh

If you noticed my formspring and twitter page is full with the fully talented teen, Demi Lovato. i'm inlovee with her glam-rock style, the way she gives her widest smile on her hit tv show, Sony with A chance, the way she brings herself for that age. tht reminds me, once i fought with Farah about how i hated Demi. i was defending Miley Cyrus while she was defending D. Lovato. it took part in the school cantin and some people who was passing by looking at us constantly. we were literally yelling to each other, haha menyangap gila

currently having movie night with adik. its been ages since we both watched a movie together since us both are busy with each other's mumbo jumbos. and i have to say, Chris Evans in Fantastic 4 is smoking hot ;)

till then, love love

Fight for nothing like we used to

every year i look back at ths date, memories kept flowing back. through out all the ups and down we've been through, fighting on the phone, giving cold shoulders to each other for several month and not forgetting the tears we shredded but somehow there's still ths strong bond existing between us. no matter wht bullshit comes through our way, we know we'll be fine just like the past 3 years k love.

Saturday, May 22

Happy 17th Birthday Timmy!

its been ages since i last talked to ths honey of mine. ive known ths girl for pratically since i was standard 6. she was my classmate but we're not tht close, she has her peer, i hv mine. once our class teacher didnt came, so we had to transfer to 6 Jaya. so the class was kinda packed so us both and other friends has to sit at the waaaaaay back. i had this note book that is filled with my friends phone numbers, home address, and scribbles like"zana, we love you bla bla bla" those things. so she secretly took it and wrote something on it. i was deeply overwhelmed with her writings. her english was bloody brilliant, i was amazed for a 12 year old with writing like that. i cant fully 100% remember wht she said but i do remember ths "youre like a sunflower which takes days to bloom, you are the light of the open road" . to me, she is one of the sweetest and caring person i ever met. she's def like a big sister for me. unfortunately she moved to Perlis last two years. the last time i met her was early Dec 08. Tyra, her and I went to sungai wang to do some shopping. good timeees. so babe, just wanna let you know, youre little zana is missing you here :')

till then, love love

Thursday, May 20

I think i'm running out of oxygen

Assalamualaikum! :)

currently feeling a bit cranky, didnt hv my nap yet. A BIG SIGH. had math's paper today. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay finally! ceh padahal add math belum lagi kan. haih*sedih balik. 2 more weeks of torture, then free baby. well for a moment of course. had teachers day last monday. to think back, its my last year of celebrating it :( Epa's performance was off the hoooook. i remembered early tuesday morning, i saw he coming to our class with the most genuine smile ever and came up to me and said

Epa : weeeh aku mcm dh popular sikit oh
zana : sebab performance smlm eh?
Epa : ha'aa :D
epa : mmg takkan ah ;)

ha ambik kau, cerah habiss

akak akak saya ;)

the picture explain everything

yang kiri skali tu Faizal Tahir Wannabe haha

*giggles :)

last day got back from tuition with fitri. we danced like a bunch of lunatics the minute "if we ever meet again" song kept blasting from the radio. and btw, Sab, we're not crazy tau. haha just want you know tht :P

a couple of my friends told to see ths 13 year old boy who performed during school and suddenly became a enormous hit on youtube. and get ths, gets a call from ellen degeneres! fuck that.

feel free to watch

imma having history paper tomorrow. can i like skip tht? heh

till then, love love

Saturday, May 15

Imma tell you one more time

Ths week has been smooooooooth. i dont know why but ive been spending a lot of time with Emir lately, weird :/ haha. the other day, my school had career day so theres ths tones of game you hv to enter. i manage to enter only one, and i won ths goody bag. apparently i wanted those phone necklace thingy so Emir secretly asked one of the workers for one of those thingy. he was being unusually sweet by giving me one of it. thanks dudeee.

my pet Lola died earlier ths week. i had her for a couple of weeks, one of my auntie gave it to us as she has tons of little baby rabbits. it was just ADORABLE. it has crystal blue eyes, chocolate coloured fur and is so smaaaaall. I miss her, i really do :(

the funny thing is, i never had a soft spot for furry animals except rabbits, idk, its just their waaaay adorable than cats. cats is just hmm tak comel? haha. last tuesday, Leya purposely pushed me towards ths sleeping cat at the gate of our school. i screamed like fuck,

leya : weh, kucing je tau. jerit punya lah kuat
zana : kau nk kene pukul ke?

senang cerita, i hate cats. no joke

that day i went to tuition by wearing ths black skinny pants. i noticed is waay fit now, maybe im getting a bit fatter? cant wait to tell Fifa about ths, she's gonna be so annoyeeeed. hahaha.

Today is apparently my mom's birthday. woke up really early, ran downstairs and gave her the biggest hug. am going to celebrate ths night adding to mother's day celebration too as she was at Kota Bharu during tht time. i cant explain how wonderful she is, love you Mak, really do :)

cant wait for ths Monday, Epa told me he'll be performing. cant miss that ay?

my midterm is next week, oh my oh my. so ill be missing in action for quite some time. EH my phone is ringing, bye for now

till then, love love

Lookin' puzzled, in a daze

Earlier ths week, a friend of mine just lost one of her most precious loved one, her boyfriend. people close to her knew how much big her love for he is. the minute a schoolmate of mine told wht happened, the first thing was on my mind, how pity and how hard her girlfriend to cope with wht things had been going on. nobody and i mean nobody knew it was coming but we as human being has to accept each and every fate destined by Allah. the accident was absolutely tragic and totally unexpected so i send my deepest condolences to you babe. may he be placed among the religious people. Alfatihah

when ths kind of things happen to the person you know, you kinda take a step back and think. "Wht if those things happen to me?" how should i react and i'm afraid i might turn into ths depressed little girl. i mean i've been through ups and down the past few years and thank god the drama hv been reducing day by day, i met true friends, things has just been dandy. i'm just afraid in time soon, all of that can just dissapear like that. so while you have those poeple around you, cherish and appriciate each and every single thing they do for you bcse as we all know anything can happen in a blink of an eye. people whom are close to me know how big my ego is and bcse of my fucked up ego, sometimes people end up by getting hurt or really dissapointed. i remembered just bcse of ths little thing happened it jeopardized my friendship with ths close friend of mine. i was too ego to apologise and it lasted for 3 bloody month. imagine, not having that certain person tht you loved the most, not there anymore? hell is all i can say. my bestfriend Fifa told me to see a video from her favourite youtuber, it said it has a meaning behind it and right she is. the video truly made me come to my sense, it fucking did.

So all i can say, dont take things for granted. you might ending up crying of those little things and by that time, youre too late to apologise fr wht happend. who knows

Saturday, May 8

Every inch of me is like woah

had 3 things in my to do list fr today.

1. masakan rimba
2. accaunts seminar
3. farzad's birthday party

i only did 2/3 :( today girl guide held a well sort of masakan rimba competition. the most appetizing, creative and versatile dish get the most marks. sadly, Raja and I had to head back early as we have seminar later. the girls were so funny, some of them even screamed the minute they saw a worm.

junior : akaaaaaaaaaaaak! cacing!! :S
zana : lah takkan dgn cacing pun nk takut
junior : ape bende lah binatang ni buat dkt sini, geli betul
zana : dik, cacing hidup kt mana? -_-'
junior : err tanah
zana : HA DAH TU

i call her Jujieeeee :)

got a suprise from kak Julieeeeeeeeeeeee, the last time i saw her was July 09 which was during our camping. i remembered we suprised her, when she was otw back with her boyfriend. we tricked her by telling she left something, so she rushed back and the next thing, kak ting was holding the birthday cake and all of us was singing fr her. she was beyond shock, hehe. gooooooooood times.

ok moving on, semua bawak tikar, kipas bla bla bla macam nk pegi picnic. haha. as we're busy starting fire for each and every group, we noticed something was missing. the sardin and fish for the main dish. terbaik kan? so Kak Julie was being very nice and drove to buy those stuff. around 10.15 am walked to Prestige with Raja. we got a bit late, but Vii helped us. hihi. most of my classmates were there. ysterday, Emir was all gear up for today's seminar and kept saying "nnt jumpa dkt prestige tauuu" haha. the teacher was absolutely enthusiastic teaching and adding to tht, he talked really fast, so i had to take a moment to grasp wht the hell he said. Iqbal was sitting behind me being the annoying as he always is.

sebijik topi mcm JB :D

emir dh dak dak rugby dh skang haha

around 1 pm it finished, i didnt know how to go back.

Tyra : eh zana, awk balik cmna?
Zana : tktahu lagi :/
Tyra & Qisse : lah balik dgn kiterog lah, kita ada kereta
Zana : oh okaay, JAP SAPA BAWAK?
Tyra : knp tanya?
Zana : kalau Qisse bwk, hm takpe ah, tk jadi lah tumpang
Tyra : hahahah
Qisse : -_-

the plan was to sent me back but eventually they brought me to MacD. haha, picked Azmeer first and had lunch there, i was busy talking to Tyra. we talked about how we used to be tight as ever back then during standard 5, i will always make excuse to go to her house. she loves coming here, we used to dance to any song by Spice Girls. hehe, not forgetting our other 2, Fifa and Tiqa. i miss those moments but thank god our friendship is still going strong. in the car, Tyra and Qisse kept yelling to each other, including Sery, haha tht adorable little girl.

comel kan dia

main sape kelip mata dulu. alolo comeynyerr haha


dia buat muka pun still cantik, haih

suddenly i miss middle school.

till then, love love


happy birthdaaay hitam :p

dh 5 tahun kawan ;)


ha ambik kau, sebijik habis

card comel gila, tk tipu

i'm surrounded by gay people, everyday :s

i told ya
konong terkejut

kfc shodaaaaap

as some of you know, Rahman's turns a year older every 12th October. apparently dinney and i kinda celebrated his birthday a little late .. lets say 7 month late? hihihih. the longer the delay, the bigger the love honeey. so since we hv been delaying it since god knows when, we planned to do suprise bash for him while he was in his kawad practise but sadly things kinda got mixed up. i arrived at school holding 17 little cupcakes in the box and i saw most my peeps were already there. typical me, cik slalu dtg lambat :p dinney bought the KFC, others bought party thingys.

it was hard fr Rahman to come to our suprise place so Fit and Imran did a really stupid excuse for rahman going to our place. he kinda fell fr excuse and was completely clueless and went without feeling no doubt. the minute he arrived, we and the pengakap girls also sang the birthday song, hehe. ok the funny part, they told me to hide behind the wall bcse they wanted to suprise him with the cupcakes, unfortunately tht time i didnt tie my hair so my hair was everywhere. the minute they said suprrrriseee! i smell smoke coming from .. guess where? MY BLOODY HAIR. i nearly flipped the cupcakes but thnk god imran and raja helped by turning off the fire. sooooooo moving on, when he opened his present which dinney and i bought, others were excited wanting to know wht, i was busy eating the cupcake, then suddenly i saw dinney with a o-m-g look. we both accidentally bought the exactly same slippers as he was wearing tht time. we all laughed like fuck, no joke. sorry Maaaan! hehe, sadly Meen, Awin and Jaz had to go back early :( no worries, theyre still some cupcakes fr you k ;)


till then, love love

Friday, May 7

Surrounded by your embrace

conversation for today

iqbal : aku ni hot kan, ramai suka
zana : tak lansung
iqbal : benda betul aw, ramai sgt nk date dgn aku
zana : aku tk pun rasa nk date dgn kau ;p
iqbal : mmg tak ah, kau dh mcm adik sendiri dh
zana : :)

It was our beloveeeed Kak Yati's birthday last night. so we secretly bought her favourite chocolate cake and when she asked who was it for, i told its for a friend of mine. she by far didnt have a clue it was for her. adik and i secretly went to her room and sang happy birthday throughout the door. she notice our horrid singing and opened with a half awake mode. we jst want you to know we truly appriciated for standing with us for a whole 6 years hehe love you xx

Tuesday, May 4

Amboi, amboi, amboi

conversation for today

Zana : kau boleh tk mcm just one day jgn carik gado dgn aku?
Fifa : masalahnya best carik pasal dgn awak
Zana : cuba jadi macam Leya, dia mcm air tau. kite api. dia cm cool je
Fifa : so awk nk ckp kite ni api ah?
Zana : bukan api, diesel terrrruuus
Fifa : awk plak arang batu
Zana : you mean api dgn arang kira mcm lagi membara lah?
Fifa : tak, sbb awk hitam mcm arang batu
Zana : SIOT


i posted on my twitter using Rasyiqa's blackberry immediantly after my english teacher, Teacher Fidzah told its her youngest son's birthday today. i first met him last year during gg's activity in school. he was hiding behind his mother, very shy with us all girls. soon later, he got a bit comfortable with us so i went to him and snapped a picture with him. he looked at the picture and said "again, ambik gamba lagi skali" as if he's saying the picture was ugly and he wanted another snap. he was so cuteee. the last time we met was during gg's camping recently. people said he was a mini me but in a boy version. we both got sepet eyes, hehe. so the picture above, the funny thing was, everytime i said "ok, ready? 1,2,3" he will change his expression, like laughing or making cute faces. so the people around us were saying " awww mcm adik beradik lah". he's doing a birthday party ths saturday, so maybe Raja and I can stop by and volunteer ourself being the clown maybe? :p love you lots sepet

till then, love love

Sunday, May 2

Crazy on a Sunday night

conversation of the day

Leya : weh skarang dh pukul brapa do
Zana : 9.15
Leya : padahal awk dh janji pukul 8.30 kaaaaaaaaaaan?
Zana : ha'aa
Leya : -_-"
Zana : a director never waits for the people, the people waits for the director
Leya : poyo gila
Zana : kan? haha -.-

had a tiring day indeed. the morning started off by Leya stopped by for breakfast. then ze parents sent us to the school for the drama practise we should be having. i kinda well .. got a bit late. saying 40 minutes late. lol. my phone wont stop ringing by receiving calls and text asking where i am. A BIG SORRY K. it went well, everybody bring along their outfit and so on. Epa was being unusually different, he forgotted all his lines, he didnt had a pop of idea as he usually does, he was in a rush. maybe bcse of the futsal he's having after the drama. is hard with the voice like ths, people barely understand the crap i've been saying for the past week -_- everyone and i mean everyone has been telling to add honey and water together and drink it on a daily bases to cure my sore throat. i'm not a big fan of honey tho :/

around 12, my twinnie,dinney called and asked to accompany to do a bit shopping. went fr a quick break at cendol store nearby. her grandmother was with her, so talked for a bit. Nenek and us gone to separated ways. bummed into Syira, Nadia and Guia at LRT WM. they jst got back from JJ, as we were just going there. last year,once a month Dinney and i will do a quick shop or hv lunch at Big Apple at JJ. but you know how things are now, packed with almost anything. i'm truly satisfied with the things we bought, we hope our homie likes it!

around 4, Hanna called asking where i am. i was having lunch with ze parents, so i kinda had to turn down her invitation fr softball practise at padang F. sorry love. had dinner at ths cool tomyam shop. shooodaaaap.

me and ths certain boy got into ths fight last night. is hard when both side has ths ego like fuck. haih

till then, love love

Saturday, May 1

Eenie meenie miney mo

conversation for today

dalam kereta*

Zakri and Fit : thanks eh uncle sbb bagi tumpang, bye faaaaiiiiz
Zana : oh dkt aku tknk plak ckp bye?
Zakri and Fit : EH sorry kiterog tk nmpk kau td, maklumlah kau makin gelap kn. bye zana
Zana : kelakar -.-

they kept saying i look really tanned -_- jst got back from tuiton with them, they all are off to see Iron Man 2 ths midnight, aaa bestnya :( Fit told me he was pissed with something to do with his crocs, god knows how much he loves those babies of him :p everything was dandy and wht so ever, until Ash kept immitate my sore voice. annoying tau sebenarnya. got a text from Hanna tht tomorrow might be having another softball game, since one of our team mate, Dedek is leavingggggggggggg. i'm gonna miss tht little curly haired boy.

i hv drama rehearsal tomorrow, i'm nervous and excited at the same timeee. gonna hit the bunk now, chow

till then,love love