Wednesday, June 30

Well, come on, come on, let's play

Happy 17th Birthday Tyraa and Lia!

whenever i see her, memories during middle school kept flashing back. we used to be the "mean girls" back then. we did everything from teasing almost everybody in the class, fighting with each other (including our other two, Fifa and Tyqa) every friday and not forgetting the most infamous conquering the girls bathroom and act like as if is ours. every PJ time,we'll lock the door and bath for i think 30 minutes in it? haha. yeah BATH. no joke. we were so close with each other's family, my family will call her "muka amoi amoi tu", while her fmly called me"anak doktor" . one of the best memories i had with her was, our standard 5 science teacher told to do a paper mache volcano. so i stayed at her house from the freaking morning until late evening. i think we've got an A for that project. haha. all i can say, that she's been a swell friend, never failes to put a smile on my face.

we had many mutual friends, thats how i knew ths petite versatile chick. she may be small in size, but goddd her voice is enormous :o especialy the way she shouts. mcm mana rahman tahan, aku pn tktahu lah kan. haha. she's one of my peers who's really active in ths theater thingy. from wht i heard, she's one tight ass dancer. plus a good singer too! mcm all comes in a small package kan? i remember, last Nov. her and our other friends accompanied me to ths Fashion Week Bazaar. they were the first witness me buying my very own inspired chanel bag :p as we're having our drinks and so on, it started to rain like bloody hell. we barely see the car we parked. so all of us including Mawi (her boyfie) ran like hell. all of us were soaking wet and we had Man's birthday bash right after that. Lia was by far the most hyper between all of us, she kept jumping up and down in the front seat. she sure is a hand full ;p i had a great time with her especially the part when we camewhored with the mask that were is in the goodie bag. good times

love you both eheheheh

Monday, June 28

Call your name two, three times in a row

#randomfact : i prefer wearing a big baggy sweater than any tight fitting dress

Hari Koperasi was held the very first time in Melawati history today. some people were selling foods, clothes and even footwear. other stations were having all sort of games. The girls and i lend out a hand at Sya's stall. She was selling from designer shoes, long flowing and vintage dresses and extremly cheap accessories :o i manage to score a acid wash snake type of skin top, a peep a toe Vincci shoes and a bright polka dot red scarf within rm20! sya sure has tight-business-skills ;)

Teacher Fidzah confirmed our drama's competition is on Saturday. if they change the date again, then astalavista baby -.- today's practise was somehow fun. Epa has ths thing whenever his bugs or irrate me he'll be extra nice towards Leya showing that he loves Leya more than me. haha gelabah gila.

and guess wht? ive been trying to avoid Jaji today bcse earlier ths morning in the car i heard JJ and Ian frm Hitz saying tht England lost to Germany. Eventually Jaji came to me during recess asking fr his chiken nuggets. niceeee --


Saturday, June 26

For you i’d write a syphoney!

#random fact : I'm the only chick in the siblings

here am i typing ths blog of mine wearing Abang Jeb's skull abstract tee which is 2x bigger thn my actual size. every stich smells his favourite Hugo Boss perfume. i miss ths smell whenever he hugs me, the smell will always stick to mine. i miss Abang Hash and Bapak too. apprntly Bapak got ths conference way in Rome, Italy so he brought Abang with him. so all left Mak, Adik and i all alone. nice ah ;p

so had ths study group with Dinney and Rahman, sooner or later the word spread so Meen, Zafirah and Sha joined too. had lunch first, Kak Yati literally showered them with every food in the house. had Nasi Ayam and zafirah's mom came by dropping off Mee Kari and by the time i thought i was bloated full, Kak Yati cooked creamy currypuffs to top it up :o dinney is fucked up serious when i comes to teaching people Accaunts. gentle garang tk tipu. finished around 6, zafirah's mom came fr the second time to drop off the satays. apa lagi, aku dgn rahman redahhh jela kn :p camewhored with them were the best, it is so freaking hard for snapping a single picture with Dinney, ceh budak hot en. hahahha. watched Benci Bilang Cinta with them. it was my first time wtching it, so i was a bit blurred when the plot kept moving. sent them back around 7 and had tuition later.

i asked Jaji when is England's next match, so he said its on Sunday's night. he was fully sure that Germany will score more thn Eng so i made a bet, if Eng wins he owes me a chicken nugget well mostly 2 bucks. i really hopes Eng win :s

till then love love

Saturday, June 19


#randomfact : most of the girls eat chocolate when their depressed. i dont. i hate chocolate, since in primary school

i'm leaving to PD in less than 24 hours. mom told there's gonna be wedding at Damansara, so might be heading there first then straight off to PD. one of the relatives passed away earlier ths evening, so off to Melaka tomorrow night. so sad baru nk bercuti cuti kn, haha. anyways, shifting to other topics. school's opening in a couple of days, which means reality check. no more late night movies, watching football tournament with abang and waking up while still snuggling in comfortable sheets. 2 weeks pass by so fast. HAAAAAAAIHZ

so i stumbled into ths website called FML, which stands for Fuck My Life. its technically a place where random people release their tension for a hard day theyve been through. most of it are pretty much fucked up but you cant help yourself from laughing your ass off reading it.

these are 5 tops that i like.

(not following orderly of course)

1. Today, I called my mom for the first time in a few weeks, just to chat because I miss her. When she picked up, the first thing she said was, "Why are you calling? What's wrong? Do you have swine flu??" When I told her that I didn't, and I just wanted to chat, she hung up. FML

2. Today, I had a first date planned. He texted saying he was sick and couldn't make it. Two hours later his twitter account said otherwise. FML

3. Today, I didn't log out of Facebook, so my mom went on my computer and changed my status to "is dead". I have really bad asthma, so everyone believed I died of an asthma attack. Now I have posts all over my wall saying how badly they will miss me and how devastated they all are. FML

4. Today, I dropped my keys. Not wanting to lean over and pick them up, I pointed at them and said "Accio". Then I realized I had tried to use a Harry Potter spell in real life and in public. FML

5. Today i woke up a little after seven. I felt sick to my stomach because last night was my bachelor party and i drank more than i ever have before. I checked my phone and i had received 42 misscalls. It was 7 o'clock pm. Today was my wedding day. FML


Thursday, June 17


#randomfact :to me,rings is a must have accessory

was supposed to go for a "date" with yed but end up most of his mates were with us so yeah, go figure. lol. suprisingly when Meen picked me up, Soh were in the back sit smiling his guts out. Bumped into Nik at the lrt and all four of us went straight to Avenue K to wait for others. all of us wanted to watch different movies, as i wanted to see Lagenda Budak Setan, Meen wanted to see Karate Kid, Nik wanted to see Toy Story, Yed wanted to see Kecoh Betul (hahahah kidding) but lastly we went with my idea :p we missed 10 minutes early of the begginning, but yet still the movie was shooo romantic lerr~ Nik and I constanly asked Yed whts going to happen next as its was his second time watching it. he kept saying " ish korang tengok jela -.-" haha.

Adeeb suddenly came to our table while some of us were having lunch. i mean its been ages since i saw that dude who labels himself as "a-chick-magnet" . had lunch again at Subway later. it felt good spending the day with Yed and the peeps.

<----(hahahhah kalau soh dgn nik baca ni msti gelak -.-)

Saturday, June 12

Iya dong, chill aja

some of you may know that each individuals standing on this earth has their own twin. my ustazah once said that everybody has 7 twins that look exactly like us but not blood related. since i was in standard 4, people including teachers and parents hv been saying that dinney and i look similar to one another. back then, we used to be 24/7 together, our height is approximately the same, we even have the same hair texture. truth to be told, i even straighten my hair when i was 12 years old to make poeple unmistaken by us but as both of us grew, i became taller than her ;p people are easy to set us apart. there was once ths birthday party her neighbour held, so she invited me also. i didnt had anything to wear so she lend one of her clothes which is the exact 100% as she was wearing to the party. only she was wearing a baby blue coloured and she gave a magenta pink coloured top. so people at the birthday party kept calling me dinney, and calling her zana. haha.

soo anyways, one of my close friend, Yed has a twin!

sama gila kan :O even Rais Aniq, Faghah, Nik,Dania even agrees. ha amik kau ramai gila. haha. Rais suruh buat style sevani -.-

*he's Fiq, Dania's friend

Pick up the phone nobodies on it

#randomfact : i somehow love techno songs haha

The highlight of my week so far its a tradition outing with my peeps last wednesday. met dania, aleen, rais aniq (suprisingly) and some others girls at klcc. then all 7 of us went straight to pavilion for our movie. ive been dying to see killers and nanny mcphee but unfortunately both movies were unavailable during that time, so watched Bounty Hunter instead. maybe some of you had watched it, the movie was-as like Rah said, very dull and they were blaberring most of the time at first but soon sparks happened between Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. they were so romaaaantic ;) and the ending was two thumbs up for sho. that reminds me, rais aniq looks like gerard butler, dont you think? had lunch later. bumped into so many recognised friends, including Nik, Marlissa,Hud, Timmy, Syahrial and Epa. speaking of syahrial he barely like whispered "eh hi zana" at me during buying the movie tickets. sumpah dh cuak igt sape -_-

around 6, headed back with Rah, had dinner with her while waiting for her mom to pick her up. next outing with her might be after spm kan wak? haha. mak were being extra hyper talking to her about ths aerobic thingy she attented and she asked her and her mom to join. sounds fun baaiii

Tuesday, June 8


#randomfact: i will mantain as a pure natural black hair until the last breath i hv

Its been around 4 days of freedom holiday and not yet once i can snuggle in my sheets at 8 am in the freaking morning :( its always wake up around subuh, take a shower and off to somewhere. if ths its the meaning of holiday then pfffffft i rather go to school and sleep there like i always do, hihi

not yet until yesterday, i realised the person who's really good at testing on my bloody nerves beside my brothers is Yed. maaaaaan, he can be so irritating sometimes. occasionally i get kinda overreactive over a super little thing but sometimes he's the one who's starting a scene. its never complete without accidently spilling any vulgar words when i'm otp with him. its just how we roll, kan? haha. as i was cleaning my table drawer, i saw ths soft pink card stuck between the drawers. soon or later, i found out it was my 15th birthday card from him. he used to be so lovey dovey and jiwang sampai naik bulu roma aku, hahahahha. i cant believe, for 4 years in high school ive been with the same guy over and over again. its funny how time pass by ay? no wonder Qisse kept saying we definitely have our own record for being so long together.

had a good breakfast with abang, he was rushing to work so forced me to freaking walk to school -_-" Iqbal, Nami, Del and Epa were waiting so i walked as fast as i could. suprise suprise the people who came to the extra class was roughly around 10-ish people but it was okay, it combined with other class, Hariz came. wow thts a shocker :p

Iqbal : zana, kau pegi tak kelas esok pagi?
Zana : taktahu do, dorang semua cm tk pegi je. aku takde kwn nnt
Iqbal : aku ade lah, dtg la do,igt masa depan
Zana : hahaha ok, kau pakai apa nnt? mmg tak ah pakai baj skola en
Iqbal : aku pakai baju pj, kau pakai tudung labuh
Zana : WTH? -_-

i dont know why but i sense the people were a bit high ths morning, hahaha. everyone were making extra silly jokes, goofing around and making the teacher burst into laughters but yet i'm slowly knowing the tactics at sicence's section B. i suck at tht area, SIGH. around 10 it starting raining, Hariz and I was clearly the most devasted as we both were walking back home. not mentioning Iqbal, he and his little motorbike :p so Del and Epa were being unusually nice giving me a lift home. there was ths part when Del accidently drift at the roundabout infront of my house. Epa and me dah gegeeeeel dh. that justin bieber wannabe wants us kill i guess -_-

i might be meeting with my baby boo, Faghah and Dania soon. surely cant wait that to come

and OH, theres this cat sleeping out of my window. first, how the hell she got there?! second, konon comel ah tu, tidur kt situ? haha
till then, love love

Monday, June 7

#randomfact: 40 % of my closet is full with sparkly and animal prints.

last night was suppppeeeeerb .enough said :))

Sunday, June 6

Electric shock, energy like a billion whats

last friday night was simple yet i had good night with the brothers. after tuition brother picked me up, it was he's first time picking me up so he parked a bit far from my tuiton place. as i was walking to UO, i heard ths group of boys whistling and trying to get my attention. soon or later i found it was my friends. thank god -.- got back to pick up adik and went straight to ww. tgv at klcc was freakin full so had to watch at ww. apparently syira told me she's going to but didnt bumped into her tho and i hv to say Prince of Persia was THE BOMB. so i can scratch tht from my movie list, next is Shrek 3!

ystrday morning, dinney called when i was busy sleeping, its her habit to do tht. THANKS GIRL -_- she was deadly bored at home so she had plans to hang at ze house. she went to ww first to buy her precious bubbletea ;p since Ira had nothing to do, i invited her to join us. they arrived a a couple of hours later, had lunch together. apparently they all hv a list of plans for ths holiday, Dinney is off to Genting, Kelantan and Pangkor and Ira is off to Singapore with Nadia. nice laaah, aku sorang sorang :( its fun after a whole 3 weeks of bloody exam, just hang and chill out with close ones. we watched Are You Smarter than 5th Grader and damn the contestant that day was brilliant, enough said. pity she didnt won the million question.

around 7 sent them back, as i was walking heard someone screaming my name from inside a car, i realised it was Emir. i waved and he gave the widest smile. mom told to get ready, my first brother's coming any minute now. since he was kinda late so we plan to meet at the thai restaurant instead. the minute he came to our table, i ran to him and gave him the biggest hug ever. his friends join us too, we had the best dinner after a long time. since my brothers are studying at different places, we rarely hv dinner together, so when times like ths come, i try to cherish every second of it.

got back around 12 and watched dark knight with the whole family.

One of my cousins are having a wedding ths night at Mont Kiara. still dunno wht to wear tho, black or yellow? mhhhmmmm. better go get ready now, astalavista baby

till then, love love

Friday, June 4

Scribbled out the truth with their lies

#randomfact : my dream car is a Yellow BMW z4 and Black Land Rover


my baby petsis is all grown up now, awww ;) cant believe is 3 years weve been together kan baby. hahahha, i used to be so gay with her, the goood times, hehe. gave her a call last night, i sense the minute i said hello, she didnt recognise me so i sang the birthday song for a whole 30 seconds, she was like, "aw thankyou. jap ni zana ke?" haha. its funny how we met, she was my junior in middle school. soon or later, she added me on via myspace and tadaaaaa now she's like a little sister i never had. she maybe petite for her age but god, she has ths rock and roll-ish attitude, and not forgetting how fierce she can be twards me :( haha. jk, but appart out of those things, she's really nicee. love you to bits, kecik.

OH MY ITS FINALLY FRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. god knows how ive been waiting for ths. was suppose to go to Shey's to chill out but Abang ask to accompany him to go somewhere. speaking of him, last morning around 6 am i saw a man figure standing in front of my door, it scared the fuck out of me. i was literally half asleep when i saw him, turns out it was my brother. he wasnt suppose to be back by today, but he got an earlier flight and guess wht? Mak just told me tht my first brother frm Australia is coming tomorroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.i smiled like some lunatic when she told me. hears like movie night all night baby.

last wednesday, went to Meen's class to study pjk. who the fuck studied pjk? haha, i know i didnt. eventually Tyra and her gang ask to play a round of Uno. how can i say no while the paper starts another 1 hour and 30 minutes? i was trully determined to beat Tyra. we both were the last two playing as others already won. (haha i cant believe i suck at playing UNO now haih) i lost, two times. suck on that.

the funniest thing happened in class yesterday, one of my friend Solihin turned our class into a court bcse apparently his precious bag went missing. the teacher didnt mind bcse we had already did our economics paper. so Rais and Iqbal were being the unqualified lawyers, Epa, Hafizil, Lolock and DJ being the suspicious suspects, Danny as the chief judge and not forgetting emir as the .. er police. haha. others class were busy doing their exam, we on the other hand were busy solving the "konon serious" case. god,i have a bunch of 6 years old friends -.-

i just love braiding my hair these days. i mean at home and occasionally every wednesdays to school. i looove it when nicole richie braids her hair. i mean, common lah, jangan lah cantik sgt k

till then, love love